Successes and failures: Dr Richard Horton Editor of The Lancet

Introduced by Professor Graham Watt, Director of the University of Glasgow Medical Student Electives Programme

Thursday 12th December 2013, 5.00 to 6.00pm

Lecture Theatre 1, Boyd Orr Building, University of Glasgow

Followed by a reception in the Wolfson Medical School atrium, including the presentation of medical student elective prizes for 2013 and RCPSG fellowship awards for 2014.‌

Dr Richard HortonAs readers of the Lancet will know, Richard Horton travelled extensively in 2013, and has commented frequently and trenchantly on global health issues in his weekly column. Under his leadership, the Lancet has become a key source of news, editorial comment and original articles and series on global health issues. For this lecture, we have asked him to comment on the successes and failures that he has seen.

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Poster exhibition

A poster exhibition of 2013 medical student electives will be on display in the atrium from 9th to 13th December. It is open to University of Glasgow students and staff, and invited guests.

First published: 11 November 2013