Arts Groundings - call for papers
Published: 29 October 2013
Groundings, the undergraduate academic journal in the arts, humanities and social sciences now in its seventh edition, is looking for your submissions on the theme of 'Competition and Tradition'.
Groundings is an undergraduate academic journal in the arts, humanities and social sciences, published both in print and online by GU Dialectic Society. It offers a fantastic and rare opportunity for undergraduate students at the University of Glasgow to have their work formally published in an academic, peer-reviewed journal. Now in its seventh volume, the editorial team are looking for submissions on the theme of 'Competition and Tradition'.
The theme of 'Competition and Tradition' is deliberately broad, and appeals across a range of subject areas, from music and art, literature and languages, philosophy and classics, economics, politics, history, law, and many more. Submissions can explore issues such as the construction of “competition” and “tradition”; their existence and the relationship between them; as well as past, present and future challenges to these ideas, for example by technology, individuals, groups and movements. The theme also encompasses questions about discourses, shifts, ideology, hegemony and subversion - many of which are also highly topical.
Submissions can be up to 4000 words (excluding references) and articles can be written specifically for the journal, adapted from course essays, or chapters of dissertations. Submissions will be subject to an anonymous peer-review process, with authors who reach the final stage engaging in revisions based on comments from the Editorial Board. There is also a prize of £100 for the best article. In addition, all published authors will receive recognition for their work on their official university transcript. The top three articles will also be published alongside the best three articles from the Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh and St Andrews, in Groundings Ancients (Volume 2).
The deadline for submissions is 23:59 on 2nd February 2014. Submissions should be sent as an attachment in Word doc or PDF format to Please include your name, degree subject, and year of study in the email. Any queries should be directed to the same address.
Copies of Groundings are available from the University of Glasgow Library, and on the website.
First published: 29 October 2013
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