The University of Glasgow’s Wellcome Trust Centre for Molecular Parasitology (WTCMP), in partnership with the University of Liverpool, has been successful in securing Wellcome Trust funding to establish one of five Centres for Global Health Research.

The Wellcome Trust has committed more than £3m to these Centres over the next five years.

The Centres will support researchers working in public health and tropical medicine to develop their expertise and careers in public health and tropical medicine, and foster interchange between institutions in the UK and those based in low and middle-income countries.

Prof Andy Waters, Director, Wellcome Trust Centre for Molecular Parsitology, said: “The establishment of this Global Health Centre (GHC) affords the Wellcome Trust Centre for Molecular Parasitology a great opportunity to mentor and guide talented researchers interested in building an academic career in tropical disease and ultimately to submit high-quality fellowship applications to Wellcome Trust funded schemes.

“I am looking forward to working closely with Professor David Lalloo, University of Liverpool and Prof Rob Heyderman from the Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme to achieve and expand the aims for the GHC. Dr Annette MacLeod (a Wellcome Trust Senior Fellow) and Prof. Paul Garside will lead the WTCMP’s activities in the GHC.”   

First published: 27 March 2013

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