A new website is being launched this week to highlight how the University of Glasgow has helped shape our world.  To date the website lists our historic connections with thousands of people in over 100 countries and it will continue to grow for as long as stories keep being discovered.

The University of Glasgow International Story site has been created over the past year by a team based in the University Archive.  The project was created with the generous support of the Chancellors Fund.

An enthusiastic team of student volunteers recruited through the Careers Service Club 21 Business Partnership Programme has been bringing to life the stories of many individuals listed on the site.  After a period of training, each student defines a project culminating in their own webpage listing their contributions. Some students also publicise their work on the Project Blog.

Moira Rankin, Senior Archivist and Head of Archive Services said: “Even after a year of work there are so many more stories to be told. The project has secured a second year of funding to continue to build the resource and to encourage everyone to contribute their knowledge of our international connections. The continuation will also allow us to work more closely with the Recruitment and International Office to ensure all our international information is seamlessly presented for staff actively engaged in building our international partnerships.”

At a reception on 21 March, Andrea Nolan and Frank Coton will launch the website and encourage contributions from the whole University community. At the event two students will present their research findings and reflect on their learning outcomes. Gabrielle Migdalski, an undergraduate in Digital Media & Information Studies researched the Polish Students of the 1940s and Ianto Jocks, a Classics postgraduate, created a database of the International students of Lord Kelvin.

Anyone with stories to tell should send them to Kerry McDonald, International Story Project Manager kerry.mcdonald@glasgow.ac.uk

First published: 15 March 2013

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