Alan McGregor appointed to Scottish Employability Forum
Published: 14 March 2013
Professor Alan McGregor of the Adam Smith Business School has been appointed to the Scottish Employability Forum (SEF)
Professor Alan McGregor, Director of the Training and Employment Research Unit (TERU) within the Adam Smith Business School, has been appointed to the Scottish Employability Forum (SEF). The SEF has strategic responsibility for tackling worklessness in Scotland. It is co-chaired by John Swinney (Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth), Michal Moore (Secretary of State for Scotland) and Harry McGuigan (COSLA Spokesperson for Health and Wellbeing). The SEF involves the Chairs and Directors of a number of key organisations, including Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Funding Council. Alan is involved in his capacity as Chair of the National Delivery Group which brings together all 32 Scottish Local Employability Partnerships as well as national agencies such as DWP and Skills Development Scotland.
These appointments reflect Alan’s extensive research effort over many years around the effectiveness of different interventions to tackle worklessness. On the European stage he is currently working on a European Commission-funded study assessing the effectiveness of the €78-billion European Social Fund (ESF) across all 27 Member States. ESF is a major funder of interventions to help people back to work.
First published: 14 March 2013
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