Centre for open studies course enrolment now open!
Published: 13 March 2013
Courses starting from April 2013 - enrol now.
The Centre for Open Studies is now enroling for a whole new range of part-time day and evening short courses starting after the Easter break.
Many appeared in the main brochure published in August 2012, but there are some exciting NEW courses as well as our Brand NEW 2013 summer programme on Scotland’s history, culture and heritage. Running from Monday 24 June until Saturday July 6, the summer programme will cover all aspects of Scottish history, culture and heritage and offers an exciting, in-depth and relaxed opportunity to learn about Scotland and the Scots around the world.
No matter if you want to enrol on a spring course or take part in our exciting summer programme, the Centre for Open studies has something for you.
Individual Learning Accounts (ILAs) may be used for some courses.
Don’t delay, courses are filling up fast!
Telephone enrolments: +44 (0)141 330 1860/1853
General enquiries: +44 (0)141 330 1835
Email: openstudies-enquiry@glasgow.ac.uk
Visit our website http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/centreforopenstudies/ and join us on facebook to keep up to date with our news and events.
First published: 13 March 2013
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