National Student Survey – we need your help!
Published: 4 March 2013
To ensure that as many subjects as possible reach the response rate required for publication of data, we need your help.
The National Student Survey launched on 14 January. Since then 50% of our final year students have responded. To ensure that as many subjects as possible reach the response rate required for publication of data, we need your help.
To help increase response rate staff are invited to:
- Highlight improvements made in response to previous NSS feedback
- Put a remind on your final-year moodle forum or on Student Voice
- Provide PCs in your School or Subject-area for students to complete NSS on
- Encourage competition – is one Subject within your School achieving a higher response rate than another? Encouraging healthy competition to increase response rates has worked very well for Geography and Earth Sciences.
The National Student Survey (NSS) is a large-scale survey of students at almost all universities in the UK which gives final year undergraduates at Glasgow the chance to tell us how they rate their academic experience. The survey is conducted by Ipsos MORI (an independent market research agency).
We are now in Week 7 of the NSS. IPSOS Mori began telephone interviewing students last week. We need to keep up efforts to persuade students to respond online ASAP - it will avoid them being contacted by telephone and will allow them to enter the online prize draw.
The University’s overall response rate this week has gone up significantly to 50.4%. This is a great step forward from previous weeks. We need to continue efforts to increase response rate as each Subject needs to reach a response rate of 50% (and a minimum of 23 respondents) before it can be published. To ensure that your subject is represented we need you, as academics or support staff, to encourage your students to complete the NSS.
The Senate Office are working in partnership with the SRC and Corporate Communications to raise awareness of the National Student Survey – you may already have seen posters and leaflets around campus or allowed an SRC Helper to speak to your students. Any support you can give to this effort can make a difference.
More information on the NSS can be found through the Senate Office ( or by contacting your Head of School.
First published: 4 March 2013
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