Procession marks Corpus Christi
Published: 19 June 2013
The University of Glasgow Catholic Chaplaincy recently organised a Corpus Christi procession which was attended by more than 500 people. It was the first such event in well over fifty years.
Helen Border (Academic & Student Administration, College of Science and Engineering) reports on staff and student involvement in this month's Feast of Corpus Christi celebrations in Glasgow.
In response to Pope Benedict’s call for an hour of prayer and Eucharistic Adoration throughout the whole world on Sunday 2nd June, the Feast of Corpus Christi, students and staff joined parishioners from the West End Deanery of Glasgow led by Fr John Keenan, University of Glasgow Catholic Chaplain, in a Eucharistic Procession in the streets of Glasgow.
For nearly one hundred years there has been no public procession as a witness of the Catholic Faith in Glasgow. Some people thought that only around fifty people, at most, would join in the Procession but the organisers had a lot of faith and a sense that there was a good appetite for something of this sort. In the end around six hundred people came along for what was a wonderful afternoon.
Following Fr Michael’s Eucharistic blessing in the Church, the crowd gathered outside as Fr Keenan led a respectful procession along the two mile walk to St Paul’s Church in Whiteinch. Five priests and deacons took it in turn to carry the Blessed Sacrament. Prayer cards and medals were distributed to people along the route as they stood and gazed at the prayerful and joyful gathering along such busy city streets. People looked down out of windows from high-rise flats and came out of shops, cafes and pubs to see what was going on. Some fathers carried their young children on their shoulders and babies were wheeled in prams while others helped less able people in wheelchairs. One woman walked the whole way with the help of her zimmer.
Men, women and children experienced walking with their Lord, praying and singing their favourite hymns, honoured to take part in a wonderful celebration of our faith.
Pope Francis asked Christians to take the Church joyfully into the public square and called on us to bear witness to Christ and we obeyed that request with love. People who did not take part in the Procession said it took courage to give such a public testimony to our faith but participants remarked that it was much more about love of God and their neighbour. Certainly their faces were radiant with sunshine and joy.
The Police were in good numbers, walking alongside to ensure everyone was kept safe from oncoming traffic. They were a credit to Police Scotland in their professionalism and helpfulness.
First published: 19 June 2013
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