The University hosted the triennial conference of the Institute of Conservation (Icon), Positive Futures, in April.

Over 400 delegates attended the conference which was based in the historic surroundings of Bute Hall, the perfect venue for those concerned with preserving our heritage. Delegates also enjoyed a reception in the Hunterian Museum, where they were welcomed to the city and the university by Margot Clark, Councillor, Sir Kenneth Calman, Chancellor of the University and Professor David Gaimster, Director of the Hunterian.  

Pre-conference tours, to museums in Glasgow and Edinburgh, the Mackintosh sites of Glasgow School of Art and Hill House, and to the university’s own Centre for Textile Conservation and Technical Art History, were extremely popular. The conference’s opening address was given by Fiona Hyslop, Member of the Scottish Parliament and Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs. 

Frances Lennard, Convenor of the MPhil Textile Conservation programme, and Kate Blair, a second year student, both played a large part in the conference organization. Kate organized and chaired the Emerging Professionals session, one of the liveliest sessions of the conference. The Textile Conservation students acted as volunteers and hosted a very successful social event for other conservation students and young conservators. 

First published: 7 June 2013

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