Second University of Glasgow Internationalisation Conference

The second Internationalisation Conference will take place on Thursday, 14 November 2013.
The conference aims to raise awareness across the University on key aspects of internationalisation activity, and will provide support for staff seeking to engage further in international activity, as well as an opportunity for discussion and debate on key issues. The conference is open to all members of the University community and will focus on the following themes:

  • International mobility & employability,
  • Supporting and promoting excellence through internationalisation,
  • International partnerships and collaborative working.

Professor John Wood, Secretary General of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, will deliver the keynote address.

Call for abstracts

We welcome submissions for

  • presentations (20 minutes including Q & A) and
  • workshops (60 minutes including discussion).

Abstract submissions are welcome from University of Glasgow staff, Graduate Teaching Assistants and colleagues from validated institutions. To submit an abstract for anonymous peer review, please ensure that you keep a copy of the information required, including names and affiliations of presenters and contributors, title and abstract, learning outcomes for participants and IT requirements. The abstract should be around 300 words. When you submit your abstract, an email will be sent to the address of the designated principal contact.

The closing date for abstract submission is Monday, 15 July 2013.

First published: 5 July 2013

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