University staff will shortly have the opportunity to book a place for the Campus Conversation, a three hour event on the morning of Friday 27 September in the Bute Hall. Principal Anton Muscatelli and members of the senior management team will be on the platform for an update on Glasgow 2020 A Global Vision. There will be an opportunity to question the University leadership and to share your views. Ann Allen, Director of Estates and Buildings will join the panel for an update on the Campus Vision and the Estates Strategy and an open discussion. The event will be moderated by Heather Reid OBE.  The next edition of Campus eNews will have more information.  Please keep the date in your diaries: Friday 27 September, Bute Hall, 0930 - 1230.

New e-mail templates

Your fortnightly Campus eNews has continued to undergo a makeover, and from this edition is generated using the 'Story' template within the University's web content management system t4. Many thanks to the webteam and other University colleagues for their support and expertise. The template is now being offered for use by Colleges to other University departments.

First published: 5 July 2013

<< July