Post Grad student from China wins finance award
Published: 5 July 2013
A post graduate from Beijing is one of four top financial services students from universities in Glasgow to be recognised by the city's International Financial Services District (IFSD) for achieving top marks in their final exams.
Xiaoyu Xiong, 33, from Beijing, China, is one of four top financial services students from universities in Glasgow to be recognised by the city's International Financial Services District (IFSD) for achieving top marks in their final exams.
Xiaoyu Xiong has completed a MSc in Financial Modelling at the University of Glasgow with a formal Distinction. She has now applied to go on to study for a PhD in Mathematics.
She achieved a degree in electronic engineering from Wuhan University of Technology in Wuhan in 2003 and then worked for nine years in the mobile telecoms industry in Sri Lanka and China, latterly as a senior operations engineer for Huawei Technologies.
At an awards ceremony in Glasgow, Xiaoyu Xiong was presented with a certificate and a cheque for £500 to recognise her achievement in becoming an IFSD Student of the Year 2013. She was congratulated by Baillie Lz Cameron and Andy McDonald from Scottish Enterprise.
The awards programme was established by the IFSD Partnership to highlight the wealth of talent graduating from Glasgow’s four universities, prepared for careers in financial services.
First published: 5 July 2013
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