The University of Glasgow’s Imaging Spectroscopy and Analysis Centre (ISAAC) is hosting a unique seminar to discuss the insights and benefits achievable by applying characterisation and analysis to heritage science research and conservation. Located in the University’s School of Geographical & Earth Sciences (GES), ISAAC has an extensive track record for providing micro and nano scale examination of paintings, textiles, building stone, etc., to inform decision-making, policy, and operations.

This seminar will feature a diverse set of renowned speakers from the Natural History Museum in London, Historic Scotland, National Museums Scotland, the Doerner Institut in Munich, and the University of Glasgow. Topics will be of interest to scientists, curators, and conservators of fine art, textiles, paper, pottery, bones, historical artefacts, building materials, and rocks & minerals, who are working in cultural heritage preservation organisations; museum or conservation trade associations; public, private, and university museums; university or museum scientific research centres; major art galleries; auction houses; and, conservation services companies and consultants. The full programme can be viewed here.

To attend this exciting event, please register at Eventbrite. The closing date for registrations is Friday, 18th January 2013.

More information can be found at the ISAAC website.


First published: 18 January 2013

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