Please be aware that the University has made some changes to its waste disposal services. After a recent re-tendering exercise the contract for this service has been awarded to Viridor, one of the UK's leading recycling, renewable energy and waste management companies.

As part of this move to a new service provider, some operational changes will also be put in place to conform to new legislation, help improve the service, streamline the process and making it more cost effective.

Going forward this new streamlined service should allow staff to receive a faster response and provide an opportunity to ‘cherry pick’ the different services available. I.e. free disposal of waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment [WEEE]. Confidential consol and waste disposal service etc. More information about this is available on the Estates and Buildings website.

Current services:

  • Every building in the University should have access to a recycling bin, in which staff can dispose of their recyclable items.

Recyclable items include: cardboard, paper, metal and plastics containers.

  • Recent government legislation means that the University is now fined per tonne of unrecyclable waste that is collected from our campus and we are working hard to ensure that we are able to recycle as much material as possible. Material that is currently unrecyclable should be disposed of in the general waste bins that should be each building.

This includes: polystyrene, Perspex, plastic wrapping, wood, green, waste, food waste, furniture, textiles, building rubble, building glass.

  • Glass recycling bins are located at:
    • Thurso Street Compound
    • Wolfson Medical Building
    • 1A  The Square
    • Frazer Building
    • Glasgow University Union
    • Queen Margaret Union
  • Food waste is due to be introduced to our catering outlets early this year.

Estates and Buildings will continue to manage the contract to ensure agreed service levels are maintained and to address any issues that may arise. 

The University Contract Manager for the service is Mr. Jim Macintyre, Grounds Manager.  Should staff have any queries, Jim can be contacted on 0141 330 4214 or

First published: 18 January 2013

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