The Annual Teaching Awards
Published: 15 February 2013
The annual Teaching Awards nominations are now open
The University of Glasgow has a long and distinguished tradition of learning, and there is much for staff, students and alumni to celebrate and be proud of. In particular, Glasgow has an established reputation for the high quality teaching that it offers to its students. In recognition of this, annual Teaching Excellence Awards, introduced in 2005-06, have been established to recognise and celebrate those whose teaching is of a particularly high standard.
Who is eligible?
All staff employed on University of Glasgow contracts that teach and/or support student learning at the University are eligible to be nominated for an award. Nominations of individual members of staff, or of groups of staff, may be made by either staff or students.
The categories of award are:
* Individual excellence;
* Early Career;
* Careers distinguished by significant and sustained commitment to excellence;
* Graduate Teaching Assistant; and
* Team award
The awards:
Up to five awards will normally be made for excellence in teaching and support for learning of any kind, whether undergraduate, postgraduate or post-experience. The awards acknowledge the wide range of teaching that takes place at Glasgow University and the different ways in which excellence may be recognised.
More Information:
More information is available through the Learning and Teaching Centre website (see link below), or from the Senate Office. Contact:
for the Guidelines for Teaching Excellence Awards, 2012-13. The closing date is 25 February 2013.
First published: 15 February 2013
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