The Principal’s Early Career Mobility Fund (Glasgow-Columbia): 2013/14 Recipients

The University is delighted to announce that it will fund 9 Ph.D. students/post-doctoral researchers from across the University this academic session, giving them the opportunity to visit one of our key partners, Columbia University in New York. Once again, the Fund attracted a high number of strong applications across a broad range of academic disciplines, from English, Film and Classics, to Biomedical Engineering, and Social and Public Health Sciences. As well as providing our PhDs/post-docs with the opportunity to visit Columbia and discuss their research with academic staff there, the Fund is also designed to further enhance our strategic links with Columbia University, through strengthening the interaction between various research groups.

The impact of digital technology on teaching:  New resources for staff released by U21

The U21 7th Annual Educational Innovation Conference was held at University College Dublin in November 2013. The conference focused on contemporary challenges and opportunities posed by the rapid pace of change in digital technologies and online learning in higher education. Staff can access video downloads of keynote speeches from the conference here. A paper on the impact of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on Higher Education can also be found here.

U21 News  

For those who would like to watch the University of Glasgow's U21 3-minute thesis winner, Jamie Gallagher, please follow the link to the U21 News Page.


First published: 7 December 2013