PRIDEPOP event planned for World Aids Day
Published: 25 November 2013
The University of Glasgow LGBTQ+ Society and LGBT Youth Scotland are organising a charity event, PRIDEPOP, to mark World AIDS Day on 1 December.
Staff and GULGBTQ+ member Carlo Van Den Heuvel and GULGBTQ+ Welfare Officer Andrew McCartan are organising a charity event, PRIDEPOP, to mark World AIDS Day. The venue is the Berkeley Suite, 237 North St, Glasgow on Sunday December 1 2013 starting at 8 pm.
PRIDEPOP is billed as a night of love, acceptance and respect. The organisers say it is a night of intolerance towards prejudice and hate. All money raised on the night will go to the National Aids Trust. Besides raising money for NAT, the event also aims to increase HIV/AIDS awareness.
The organisers say in many countries LGBTQ+ people face execution, torture, rape and murder from people in their own community or from their government. They believe activism and advocacy is very important. The two groups with highest rates of HIV in the UK are gay and bisexual men and African men and women.
As many as 100,000 people in the UK are living with HIV. In Scotland more than 6,500 people are living with HIV. Numbers are increasing every year. Around 1 in 4 people with HIV do not know they are infected.
All staff and students welcome. Entry is £3 with student card and £4 without. All money raised will go to charity.
First published: 25 November 2013
<< December