From Monday 25 November, we have made some changes to the content you can find on the Information for Staff pages of the University website. 

We are providing a daily summary of the University's media coverage in the newspapers and on TV and Radio. We plan to use the site to give you updates on developments at the University that might affect you including upcoming changes to the recycling of waste, the cross-University management of printers and the installation of a combined heat and power system. We also want to use these pages and links to provide you with useful information, to share some of the treasures of the University Archive, and occasionally to amuse or interest you.

This is a work-in-progress!  We have already received lots of helpful feedback and suggestions. Please keep the comments coming by emailing or by calling Phil Taylor, the Internal Communications Manager on (0140 330) 6243. You can also vote in the 'snapshot' poll on the Information for Staff page.

First published: 22 November 2013