Searching for Campus Time Travellers
Published: 2 August 2013
Can you imagine what our campus might be like in the year 2063? We are looking for short, 300-400 word blogs that imagine the University of Glasgow in fifty years' time. What will be the impact of technology, distance learning, internationalisation, environment change? How can the physical campus foster collaboration, knowledge exchange and partnership with industry and commerce? Submit your entry and win an iPad Mini!
Win an iPad Mini
Can you imagine what our campus might be like in the year 2063? We are looking for short, 300-400 word blogs that imagine the University of Glasgow in fifty years' time. What will be the impact of technology, distance learning, internationalisation, environment change? How can the physical campus foster collaboration, knowledge exchange and partnership with industry and commerce?
...the New University Buildings will be placed in a commanding situation with a large space of open ground surrounding them, and at the same time there will be an opportunity of effecting a great improvement in the extension of the City - both of which are likely to engage the interest of the inhabitants of Glasgow and the West of Scotland.
1864 letter from Allen Thomson MD, Chair of the University of Glasgow Removal Committee to architect George Gilbert Scott.
The University is currently consulting a wide range of stakeholders within the University and in the wider West End and Glasgow communities. The Campus Vision second-stage consultation will take place in September and October this year. This will help shape the Campus Development Framework.
Staff and students are being invited to undertake a bit of future-gazing and to come up with short, imaginative (witty if you wish!) forecasts of how the University will be operating and what the likely requirements will be for staff, students, the city of Glasgow and all those from home and overseas who engage with us, collaborate with us and do business with us. You should feel free to think big, as our forerunners did in the late 1860s as they planned the historic move to Gilmorehill and the West End of Glasgow!
The entries will be considered by a panel from Corporate Communications and Estates & Buildings and the winner will be announced in Campus eNews on Monday 25 November. Please submit your blogs to: If you are from overseas, feel free to use your own language. We aim to publish many of the entries on the Campus Vision pages. The blog selected as the best entry in terms of imagination, ingenuity and style will receive an iPad Mini, 16GB in black or white.
First published: 2 August 2013
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