The 2013 UoG Learning & Teaching Conference saw Professor Frank Coton unveil a new learning & teaching resource for staff.  

The gateway, which can be accessed from the My Glasgow staff portal, is designed to provide University staff with easy access to a number of Learning and Teaching resources. These include best practice case studies, current funding calls and University regulations and policies. The gateway also provides links to useful external sites and will be used to highlight key news in Learning and Teaching.
The University is seeing an increasing use of technology to support and enhance learning and teaching, and this new resource will provide an invaluable one-stop-shop for staff looking for support and encouragement.  The good practice section will bring together good practice examples from around the University including some collected through Periodic Subject Reviews, External Examiner Reports, and Annual Monitoring reports.  Funding can be critical in getting new developments going, and the gateway will highlight and link to both University funding streams and external funding bodies.
The gateway is still in the early stages of development but for such a gateway to be useful and effective, it is essential that it meets the needs of users.  Frank Coton is keen to encourage feedback on how it can be further developed to support staff engaged in teaching and supporting the student experience and asks that any feedback is sent to Kerr Gardiner, Head of Learning Technology & Media Production, who is co-ordinating this development.  Kerr can be contacted by email at

First published: 26 April 2013

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