As many of you are aware, the University continues to upgrade the phone system.  To date, approximately 4000 handsets have now been migrated over to the new system across the majority of buildings on Gilmorehill.

The project will continue throughout spring of 2013 with plans for migration concentrating mainly on Garscube campus.  However, please note there will also be some works continuing on Gilmorehill. 

The following buildings will be migrated in the next phase. Please note: due to the building works being undertaken in Garscube, a full site survey will be performed prior to the phones being deployed.

Alastair Currie Building


Byre, The

Campbell Building - Food Farm

Cancer Research UK Building (Beatson Institute)

Cancer Research UK external store

Computer Centre

Estates & Buildings office/workshop

Gardener’s house

Garscube Maintenance Building

Garscube Sports Pavilion


Henry Wellcome Building for Comparative Medical Sciences

Home Farm

Ian Botham Building

Indoor Riding Arena

Jarrett Building

Kelvin Conference Centre

Main Gatehouse

McCall Building

McRobert Wing

MRI Facility

North Lodge


Pavilion caretaker’s house

Scottish Centre for Production Animal Health and Food Safety

South Lodge

Squash Courts

Support Services

Tennis Pavilion

Translational Research Centre

Urquhart Building

Weipers Equine Centre

Weipers Stable Block 1

Weipers Stable Block 2

Wellcome Surgical Institute

Wind Tunnel - Acre Road

Wolfson Building

Wolfson Hall

This schedule has been developed to minimise disruption to staff and students and may be adjusted if there is potential to further reduce impact by aligning the rollout with other developments in specific areas of the university.

An email with notification of the changeover date will be sent to staff in each of the buildings prior to the change. Information will be available showing staff who receive a new handset how to use it and also how to activate and manage voicemail.

Please note that not all staff will receive a new handset in this rollout.  This is because new handsets require network connections and in some buildings, cabling difficulties mean there are a limited number of network connections.  Until these difficulties can be overcome, some staff will retain analogue handsets.  There is also a restriction on purchasing third part devices (headsets etc.) while the rollout is ongoing.  Any requests should be made through

For more information and to see the phone and its features, go to

First published: 2 April 2013

<< April