The University joined the Athena Swan Charter in 2011. Athena Swan recognises excellence in an institution's commitment to gender equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Medicine (STEMM) disciplines.

The University is now applying for an Athena Swan Institutional Bronze Award. The award will be granted if the University can evidence that it is committed to advancing women in the STEMM disciplines, has identified the actions required, and has committed the resources necessary, to eliminate gender bias and create an inclusive culture that values female staff. Although Athena Swan is focused on the STEMM disciplines the Senior Management Group and the Equality and Diversity Strategy Committee believe that the achievement of a Bronze Award will have a positive impact across the institution, on both male and female careers and across academic disciplines. 

In order to progress the application, the University set up an Athena Swan Self Assessment Team in January 2012. This group includes academic representation from all four Colleges.

The Self Assessment Team have now produced a draft application and action plan and wishes to consult staff on its content to ensure that the final action plan will lead to real and noticeable differences across the University.

I would like to invite you to preview the draft Athena Swan application and action plan and provide feedback, through the following web address -

All feedback would be welcomed by the 26 October 2012.

Prof. Neal Juster

Gender Equality Champion and VP Strategy and Resources

First published: 3 October 2012

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