An exhibition of work by a resident of Wyndford Locks Care Home who attends the Art in Hospital programme is taking place in the University Memorial Chapel between 2-17 February.  Matthew Brady is exhibiting a series of drawings and paintings inspired by the chapel itself.

During 2010 Matthew took part in visits to the Hunterian Gallery with Art in Hospital which culminated in an exhibition of patients and residents work at the University Chapel in February 2011.  It was visiting this exhibition that Matthew first encountered the Chapel.  He was fascinated by the building and was keen to return. 

A series of visits followed where Matthew had the opportunity to draw and paint in situ.  Back at Greenfield Park he continued to work from the images he had made. 

Art in Hospital enables people to develop their own creativity through participation in a vital visual art programme in hospitals, care homes and the community, creating strong links between medicine, treatment, care and artistic practice to improve health and well being.  In 2011, it established the Creative Space at the Western Infirmary in collaboration with The Medical Humanities Unit at Glasgow University and NHSGGC.

The exhibition runs between 2-17 February between 9-5pm.  All welcome.

First published: 2 February 2012

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