Glasgow Online Moodle Privacy notice

Your Personal Data

The University of Glasgow will be what’s known as the ‘Data Controller’ of your personal data processed in relation to your access to the ‘Glasgow Online’ Moodle service. This privacy notice will explain how The University of Glasgow will process your personal data.

Why we need it

Moodle records and uses your personal information to:

  • Provide you an account on, and identify you within, the ‘Glasgow Online’ Moodle system.
  • Control access to different parts of the ‘Glasgow Online’ Moodle system as appropriate.
  • Provide you access to appropriate courses and associated materials and resources on the ‘Glasgow Online’ Moodle system.
  • Provide you with the ability to upload, amend, and delete certain information within courses you are enrolled on, where you have permission to do so.
  • Help support you as a ‘Glasgow Online’ Moodle user.
  • Support system administration and problem resolution.
  • Report on course, resource and activity access, activity completion, course completion, and course data where applicable.

When you register with this service and create a user account – ‘Glasgow Online’ Moodle service will collect some personal data such as your name (first name and surname), email address, username, and any other additional information entered at the time of registration i.e., city/town and country of residence along with details of courses you are enrolled onto.

Data related to course participation

The ‘Glasgow Online’ Moodle service also contains activity log information about your activity within each course, including the date and time of when course-specific information was viewed and/or updated, and the address of the machine from which the access was made. Activity logs are used to aid IT support investigations when users may experience problems using the service and to help course owners/administrators provide support to course participants. Unauthorised access is not permitted to this log information. 

  • Approved IT support representatives have access to view course log information.
  • Course owners/administrators are only allowed to view activity logs for the courses they are responsible for.

Information about your contributions to courses, including contributions to discussion forums, ownership of resources, assessment submissions and grades (if applicable), and other Moodle-based activities is held within the system. 

Additional personal data may be held within individual courses, either within documents/resources uploaded to the course, or within activities within the course other than contributions to chat rooms and discussion forums which are submitted by individuals in a personal capacity. Course administrators/owners are responsible for the information held about you that may be uploaded onto such courses.

Legal basis for processing your data

We must have a legal basis for processing all personal data. In this instance, the legal basis is Consent.

Registering with the University of Glasgow ‘Glasgow Online’ Moodle service (login using a personal or University of Glasgow email address) will be taken as an active demonstration of your consent to store your personal data in order to create a user account.

The legal basis for processing other personal data on ‘Glasgow Online, such as that outlined above, is dependent on the course or activity you have signed up for but is likely to be:

necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest (Article 6(1)(e)), as teaching is a component of the University's public tasks.


necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject or to take steps to enter into a contract if you are using ‘Glasgow Online’ to take an extra-curricular course you have paid for.

Please consult your course leader or tutor for more information.

What we do with it and who we share it with

The University of Glasgow Information Services Moodle Support Team has access to all information stored within the ‘Glasgow Online’ Moodle service for the purposes of operational support and maintenance.

The ‘Glasgow Online’ Moodle service is hosted by an external vendor, Synergy Learning, who is contracted to provide additional technical support for the service.  Technical support representatives will have appropriate access to aid support of this service. 

Course owners and administrators have access to the personal data of all users enrolled on the courses they own/administrate. These users can view activity user log information for their courses only.

Personal information held on the ‘Glasgow Online’ Moodle service will never be shared with any other third parties unless you have provided your explicit consent.  You will be advised by your course owner/administrator if any third-party integrations are applied to the course you are participating in.

How long do we keep it for

Information and data uploaded to the ‘Glasgow Online’ Moodle service, including accounts, courses, and contributions to courses, including contributions to chat rooms and discussion forums, ownership of resources, and evidence of participation in other Moodle-based activities may be retained for as long as is necessary to deliver and manage the course/s you are enrolled on.

An automated process removes accounts when there has been no activity for 5 years or more.

What are your rights

You can request access to the information we process about you at any time. If at any point you believe that the information we process relating to you is incorrect, you can request to see this information and may in some instances request to have it restricted, corrected or erased. You may also have the right to object to the processing of data and the right to data portability.

As we have relied upon your consent to process your data, you also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Should you wish to withdraw your consent following registration with the ‘Glasgow Online’ Moodle service, you can do so via our webform or contact

User profiles

Every user has a profile page which may be reached from the user menu top right and then clicking Profile. This page contains links to further pages allowing you to edit your profile information and preferences, view forum/blog posts, and check any reports you have access to.


If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact the University Data Protection Officer who will investigate the matter.

If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the law, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)