Finding books, journal articles & other materials

University of Glasgow students on the Crichton campus only have access to the print collections at the Crichton Campus Library and the most effective way of locating materials available there is to use One Search at UWS Library at Crichton 

The University of Glasgow Library provides access to all your online materials - ebooks, journal articles & specialist education databases for your research. The Library at Glasgow also provides the Online Reading List Service which is made available through Course Moodles. Online Reading Lists provide easy, direct access to electronic resources (books, articles, websites etc.) as well as information, live availability and location on the shelves in the Crichton Campus Library. 

More information on ReadingLists@Glasgow: guide for students on the Crichton campus [WORD]

In this section there are guides to using UWS One Search to find print books at the Crichton Campus Library & UofG Library Search to find books & journal articles. 

Using One Search at UWS to find print books

The Library on the Crichton Campus holds print books, journals, and audio-visual material to support all courses taught at Dumfries Campus & UofG students have access to the print materials only (mostly books).  All Crichton Library materials are discoverable via the UWS One Search  

Enter search terms into the search box to run the search. Search Results are returned & you can refine those results by using the Refine my results panel on the right hand side. You should limit by In the Library option so that you only see print items. 

From the results list, select the book you want and click on the title link to get details book availability & where in the Library it's shelved. If the book you need is only available at another UWS site, you can request it online and it will be delivered to the Crichton campus for you to us.

For more help on using One Search see the guidance on the UWS website

Using University of Glasgow Library Search

Finding books, journal articles & other materials is a little bit complicated for Glasgow University students studying at Crichton – but basically, if its available in print, you will be able to get most things that you need for coursework, essays etc. at the Crichton Campus Library. If you want to find and access anything available online then it’s the Glasgow University Library website that you need to use! 

The UofG Library can give you access to tens of thousands of ebooks, ejournal articles & to specialist databases and other online resources. To make finding online books and journal articles a bit more straightforward, a customised version of Library Search is available below that will find online materials only. 

If you would like to search across all of our collections (print and online) you can still use the standard version of Library Search.


Using Library Search: guide for Education students studying online [WORD]

Education Databases

Databases provide access to high-quality peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, dissertations and other sources. When carrying out your research, depending on whether you are searching for materials for an essay or a dissertation or thesis, you may need to search more than one database to find all of the journal articles relevant to your topic, as each database covers different journals. You can access the Education databases from the two links below.

Multidisciplinary Databases

Given the wide range of programs offered by the School of Education and the multidisciplinary nature of educational research, it may be necessary to find information from the wider Social Sciences literature rather than the Education specific databases.

There are also a few database platforms which provide access to literature from across the wide-range of social sciences subject areas:

  • Social Science Premium Collection on ProQuest Academic contains a number of useful individual databases, including Applied Social Sciences Index and the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
  • JSTOR. Provides full-text online access to selected scholarly journals in the fields of social sciences including, economics, political science, demography etc.  Click on the Advanced Search option on the JSTOR homepage to narrow to Social Sciences subjects.  
  • Web of Science - Core Collection Provides access to over 12,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and over 150,000 conference proceedings. You'll find current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities dating back to 1900.  Click on More Setting tab on the Web of Science Core Collection homepage and narrow to Social Science Citation Index only.

The Library subscribes to hundreds of subject specific databases across social sciences (Business & Management, Economics, Education, Politics and Sociology)  - you can access from databases by subject page on the Library website

Other types of useful information

At times, you may need other types of information, for example: government documents, statistics, papers from international agencies such as UN, EU, etc, or access to print or broadcast media (newspapers & tv). This type of material is not always indexed by Library Search or the specialist Education & Social Sciences databases. There are a number of specialist databases (see below) for this type of material, but often the easiest way to access can be to go to the websites of the organisations that produce them!

  • Teachers TV - a large collection of online education videos on all aspects of curriculum. This material is available to stream online.
  • BOB -  choose and record any broadcast programme from 65+ free-to-air TV and radio channels. The recorded programmes are then kept indefinitely (no expiry) and added to a growing media archive (currently at over 2 million programmes), with all content shared by users across all subscribing institutions. 
  • Nexis - Newspaper database providing acces to over 1000 UK and Irish titles including The Telegraph, Guardian, Independent, Times, Herald, Scotsman as well as hundreds of regional titles. Over 1200 International titles including: Le Monde, New York Times, Washington Post, Die Welt, Der Spiegel, La Stampa, El Pais & Le Figaro
  • Public Information Online (PIO) - provides access to all Parliamentary publications from the UK & Scottish Parliaments