Reading Lists @ Glasgow Staff Guide

Reading Lists @ Glasgow  is the University’s online reading list application. It is an innovative way to ensure teaching resources required are accessible and available for your students. The system provides easy access to electronic resources, including digitised readings, as well as information, live availability and location of physical stock in the Library.

The reading lists are accessible 24/7 online and can also be accessed on mobile devices.

The key aims of the Reading Lists @ Glasgow service are:

  • To improve the student experience by providing and facilitating access to course materials
  • To provide a one stop shop for academic staff by streamlining access to Library services
  • To support the Library in making better informed purchasing decisions to support learning and teaching, aligned to the Course Materials policy
  • To facilitate compliance with the University’s Disability and Equality policy

This page will aid you in getting started with creating your reading lists in Reading Lists @ Glasgow.

The library is also offering a list creation service where reading lists can be added to Reading Lists @ Glasgow on your behalf. If you would like to take advantage of this, please send any reading lists to Please provide, the course title and course code (if known), the anticipated number of students (an estimate is fine), the time period (semester 1/semester 2/semester Year), clearly mark any essential books and any book chapters or articles required to be digitised.


Reading lists and decisions on core texts need to be communicated to the Library as early as possible for sufficient time to process all requests. Some textbook requests can take several weeks due to complex negotiations on price and obtaining files. Additionally, to support the aims of the Accessible and Inclusive Learning Policy in ensuring course materials are made available to students with disabilities, reading lists should be communicated to the Reading Lists @ Glasgow service by the end of July for Semester 1 and the end of November for Semester 2. Lists received after the deadline will be processed as soon as possible but access to course materials cannot be guaranteed for the course start date.