The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 77 versoBackBACKBackF77r Folio 77 recto   Folio 78 recto F78r

4003   Undir his heed no pilowe was,
4004   But in the stede a trusse of gras.
4005   He slombred, and a nappe he toke,
4006   Tyll shame pitously hym shoke,
4007   And grete manace on hym gan make.
4008   'Why slepist thou whanne thou shulde wake?'
4009   Quod shame; 'thou doist us vylanye!
4010   Who tristith thee, he doth folye,
4011   To kepe roses or bothoms,
4012   Whanne thei ben faire in her sesouns.
4013   Thou art woxe to familiere
4014   Where thou shulde be straunge of chere,
4015   Stoute of thi porte, redy to greve.
4016   Thou doist gret folye forto leve
4017   Bialacoil here inne, to calle
4018   The yonder man to shenden us Alle.
4019   Though that thou slepe, we may here
4020   Of Ielousie gret noyse heere.
4021   Art thou now late? rise up an high,
4022   And stoppe sone and delyverly
4023   All the gappis of the hay;
4024   Do no favour, I thee pray.
4025   It fallith no thyng to thy name
4026   Do make faire semblaunt, where thou maist blame.