E-resources general usage guidelines
The Library negotiates licence agreements for its electronic resource subscriptions. We must adhere to the terms and conditions of those agreements. Resource providers monitor our use and can temporarily, or permanently, suspend access rights if licence terms have been violated.
We have outlined some general guidance on the use of our electronic resources.
Generally acceptable:
- making limited print or electronic copies
- using for the purposes of research, teaching and private study
- sharing with University of Glasgow faculty, staff and students
Generally not acceptable:
- systematic or substantial printing, copying or downloading
- using for commercial purposes or re-publishing, redistributing or altering content
- sharing with anyone other than University of Glasgow faculty, staff and students
Some resources permit use for course packs, electronic reserves and VLE's while others specifically prohibit such use. Contact library-eresources@glasgow.ac.uk for more specific guidance on these areas.
Copyright regulations apply to electronic resources. Removing or altering copyright notices is generally prohibited.