Scottish Statistics
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- Scottish Government
- Major Scottish Surveys
- Important Scottish Statistics Data & Databases
- Statistical Data and Databases by Subject
- Demographic Data
- Economic Data
- Education Data [opens a new window]
- Environmental Data
- Health Data
- Election Data
Scottish Government
Statistics Online by Scottish Government which includes topics:
- Farming and Rural - not all content for this topic is available at this location. If you can't find what you're looking for go to farming and rural issues on
- Marine and Fisheries - not all content for this topic is available at this location. If you can't find what you're looking for go to marine and fisheries on
- Archived statistics on these topics can be found on the Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural page on
- Business, industry and innovation
- Energy
- Archived statistics on these topics can be found on the Business, Enterprise and Energy page on
- Children and families
- Archived statistics on this topic can be found on the Children and Young People page on
- Law and order - not all content for this topic is available at this location. If you can't find what you're looking for go to Law, Order and Public Safety on
- Archived statistics on this topic can be found on the Crime and Justice page on
- Economy
- Archived statistics on this topic can be found on the Economy and Local Government Finance pages on
- Environment and climate change
- Archived statistics on this topic can be found on the Environment page on
- Health and social care
- Archived statistics on this topic can be found on the Health and Community Care and Social and Welfare pages on
- Housing
- Archived statistics on this topic can be found on the Housing and Regeneration and planning pages on
- Work and skills
- Archived statistics on this topic can be found on the Labour Market page on
- Education
- Archived statistics on this topic can be found on the Lifelong Learning and School Education pages on
- Population and Migration - this site is no longer being updated. Further information can be obtained from National Records of Scotland (NRS)
- Arts, culture and sport
- Archived statistics on this topic can be found on the Tourism, Culture and Sport page on
- Transport
- Archived statistics on this topic can be found on the Transport and travel page on
You can also use the archive of Statistics Online by the Scottish Government.
Major Scottish Surveys
- Public Attitudes to the Environment in Scotland (2002) - designed to provide data on the environmental knowledge, actions and attitudes of a sample of the Scottish population. Publications are available here. Data tables are available here
- Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) is a repeat cross-sectional survey measuring the incidence and prevalence of victimisation among the Scottish population. Data from the surveys can be downloaded directly from the UK Data Archive's website at:
- Scottish Health Survey - provides a detailed picture of the health of the Scottish population in private households and is designed to make a major contribution to the monitoring of health in Scotland. Data from the surveys can be downloaded directly from the UK Data Archive's website at:
- Scottish House Condition Survey - national survey to look at the physical condition of Scotland's homes as well as the experiences of householders. Published reports are available at:
- Scottish Household Survey - accurate, up-to-date information about the characteristics, attitudes and behaviour of Scottish households and individuals on a range of issues. Publications are available at: Data from the surveys can be downloaded directly from the UK Data Archive's website at:
- Scottish Social Attitudes (SSA) survey - SSA survey is carried out by the National Centre for Social Research in conjunction with the Unit for the Study of Government in Scotland at the University of Edinburgh. Data from the surveys can be downloaded directly from the UK Data Archive's website at:
- Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020 - identifies the most deprived areas across Scotland. It is based on 38 indicators across the 7 domains of income, employment, housing, health, education, skills and training, geographic access and crime. See: Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation for previous reports
Important Scottish Statistics Data & Databases
Scottish Longitudinal Study Development and Support Unit (SLS-DSU) - responsible for the maintenance of the Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS). This dataset includes a large sample of the Scottish population and links together various demographic, socio-economic and health data about these individuals. The data are available to academics and support is provided by a team of researchers.
Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics - provides figures on Scotland's local areas for local authorities, electoral wards, and postcodes. It provides information on health, education, poverty, unemployment, housing, population, crime and social / community issues. See:
Scotland's Census Results Online - The majority of the data from the 2001 Census is provided free from this website. It is split into different databases:
- Area Profiles - allows you to select standard 'Profile' tables
- Standard Outputs - lets you access a greater variety of tables for all Census areas or you can choose your own areas
- Maps and Charts - allows for a wide variety of census information to be displayed in an easily accessible way. Maps are used to represent the data contained within a set of census areas rather than the usual form of tables
- Data Warehouse - for users who wish to use large volumes of Census data locally, the Warehouse feature enables downloading of bigger datasets
Statistical Data and Databases by Subject
Demographic Data
- National Records of Scotland which includes:
- Scotland's Census
- Population and migration
- Formerly Population (contents archived December 2024)
- Projected Population of Scotland
- Births, deaths and other vital events
- Formerly Quarterly Figures - births, deaths, and other vital events (contents archived December 2024)
- Births
- Deaths
- Divorces and Dissolutions
- Adoptions
- Household Projections for Scotland, 2018-based
- Formerly Household Projections (contents archived December 2024)
- Life Expectancy in Scotland 2021-2023
- Formerly Life Expectancy (contents archived December 2024)
- Marriages & Civil Partnerships
- People Registered to Vote
- Formerly Electoral Statistics (contents archived December 2024)
- Popular names
- Stats at a Glance- datasets in Excel format, available for:
Economic Data
- Business demography, UK Statistical bulletins - Change in the number of UK businesses broken down by sector of the economy.
- UK business; activity, size and location Statistical bulletins - UK businesses broken down by legal status, industry, region, employment and turnover size bands.
- Local Government Finance Statistics - information on local government income and expenditure, covering revenue and capital spending, council tax and non-domestic rates
- Key Economic Indicators (SPICe Briefing 08/09)
- Scottish Annual Business Statistics - provides data on the Manufacturing, Construction and Service Sectors in Scotland. The Annual Business Inquiry, from which the statistics are derived, covers approximately two thirds of the economy. The main sectors not covered are the financial sector and some of the public sector. These statistics are therefore best suited to the analysis of individual industries rather than the economy as a whole.
- Scottish Corporate Sector - comprises data on enterprises operating in Scotland. This includes their employment and turnover and is split by industry, area and size. This data is available from 1999 to 2006
- Scottish Government Input-Output website -provide a complete picture of the flows of products and services in the economy for a given year - includes downloadable datasets
- Scottish Gross Domestic Product Publications - measure of the value of goods and services produced in Scotland (pre 2020 data available here)
- Scottish Local Government Financial Statistics - data on local government income and expenditure, covering revenue and capital spending, council tax and non-domestic rates.
Education Data - see Education Statistics on the Internet
Environmental Data
- Scottish Environment Statistics Online database - contains data on the environment of Scotland, focusing wherever possible on changes over time. The issues covered include climate change, air and water quality, land use, waste and wildlife
- Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) environmental data & reports
- NatureScot - Scotland's Nature Agency : Data Services
- NatureScot - Scotland's Nature Agency : Official Statistics
Health Data
- ISD Online - the leading source of health data in Scotland offers a topic based service, providing the latest news and publications as well as a range of other topics and links to related sites - includes:
- Child health
- Heart Disease which includes: Incidence and Mortality
- Costs - provides a detailed analysis of where resources are spent in the NHSS
- Dental Care
- General Practice
- Mental Health
- Prescribing & Medicines
- NHS Health Scotland (formerly Health Education Board for Scotland and Public Health Institute of Scotland (PHIS) - includes Population Group Information
- Scottish Drug Misuse Database - includes key references and evidence
- Scottish Public Health Observatory - The collaboration brings together key national organisations involved in public health intelligence in Scotland, led by ISD Scotland and NHS Health Scotland. Information & Data is presented through a series of topics:
- Behaviour - section of the website includes information on a number of behavioural factors known to influence health. These include alcohol, diet and nutrition, drugs, physical activity, sexual health and tobacco use.
- Clinical Risk Factors - The three clinical risk factors included in this section are high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity
- Life Circumstances - This part of the web site tries to reflect some of the more influential aspects of life circumstances, with a range of important, and often overlapping, topics. These include: the physical environment (and the related concept of environmental justice); income and economy; deprivation; the social environment and community well-being
- Population Groups - at present this section considers the health of ethnic minorities. Sections on other topics will be added in due course.
- Comparative Health - a brief overview of health inequalities, with particular reference to Scottish data sets and publications and international comparisons - includes:
- Population Dynamics - This part of the web site describes various related aspects of population dynamics - population, deaths and migration
- Health, Wellbeing & Disease - section includes information describing the health status of the Scottish population and at present focuses on the burden of disease from various causes. In the future we plan to add more material on health and well-being.
- Resources - overview of the key data sources for public health information in Scotland
Election Data
- Lookup table for cross-referencing between polling stations, constituency and polling place.
- Aggregation list showing which polling stations have been combined
- Table of constituency election results at polling station level (by constituency)
- Table of regional election results at polling station level (by constituency)
- Table of cross-tabulated elections results, i.e. across constituency and regional contests, by constituency. This table compares voters’ choice of constituency candidate to their choice of regional candidate or party
- Spice Briefing 16-34 Election 2016 - This briefing provides the result and analysis of the 2016 Scottish Parliament election. The accompanying infographic gives an overview of the result of the election.
Contact Us
Please contact the Maps, Official Publications and Statistics Unit if you have any questions.