Scottish Statistics

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Statistics Online by Scottish Government which includes topics:

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Major Scottish Surveys

Important Scottish Statistics Data & Databases

Scottish Longitudinal Study Development and Support Unit (SLS-DSU) - responsible for the maintenance of the Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS). This dataset includes a large sample of the Scottish population and links together various demographic, socio-economic and health data about these individuals. The data are available to academics and support is provided by a team of researchers.
Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics - provides figures on Scotland's local areas for local authorities, electoral wards, and postcodes. It provides information on health, education, poverty, unemployment, housing, population, crime and social / community issues. See:

Scotland's Census Results Online - The majority of the data from the 2001 Census is provided free from this website. It is split into different databases:

  • Area Profiles - allows you to select standard 'Profile' tables
  • Standard Outputs - lets you access a greater variety of tables for all Census areas or you can choose your own areas
  • Maps and Charts - allows for a wide variety of census information to be displayed in an easily accessible way. Maps are used to represent the data contained within a set of census areas rather than the usual form of tables
  • Data Warehouse - for users who wish to use large volumes of Census data locally, the Warehouse feature enables downloading of bigger datasets

Statistical Data and Databases by Subject 

Demographic Data

Economic Data

Education Data - see Education Statistics on the Internet

Environmental Data

Health Data

Election Data

  1. Lookup table for cross-referencing between polling stations, constituency and polling place.
  2. Aggregation list showing which polling stations have been combined
  3. Table of constituency election results at polling station level (by constituency)
  4. Table of regional election results at polling station level (by constituency)
  5. Table of cross-tabulated elections results, i.e. across constituency and regional contests, by constituency. This table compares voters’ choice of constituency candidate to their choice of regional candidate or party
  • Spice Briefing 16-34 Election 2016 - This briefing provides the result and analysis of the 2016 Scottish Parliament election. The accompanying infographic gives an overview of the result of the election.

Contact Us

Please contact the Maps, Official Publications and Statistics Unit if you have any questions.