Medical & health statistics
This webpage provides links to some of the major producers of medical and health statistics.
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- International Organisations
- United Kingdom (Including Scotland)
- United States
- Europe (including European Union)
- South America
- Commonwealth (Australia & Canada)
International Organisations
- World Health Statistics 2005 onwards
- Global Health Observatory (GHO) which includes :
- WHO Information by Disease or Topic - which includes Cancer Information from the IARC
- ECIS - European Cancer Information System
- IARC Global Cancer Observatory (GCO)
- Cancer Today - Cancer incidence in the world in map format
- Automated Childhood Cancer Information System (ACCIS) - childhood cancer database
- WHO Information by Disease or Topic - which includes Cancer Information from the IARC
- WHO Core Health Indicators database
- WHO Mortality Database - download the detailed files onto your own pc
- Weekly Epidemiological Report - epidemiological information on cases and outbreaks of diseases
- Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals: formally Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) Information System - which includes:
- Oral Health
- WHO Regional Offices:
Unicef Data - includes data by country and topic
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for children - Economic and social statistics on the countries and territories of the world, with particular reference to children’s well-being
- Indicator profiles - series of global databases on key indicators for monitoring the situation of children and women
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Statistics Directorate which issue - Statistics on Health
World Bank Data which include some basic health indicators on developing countries
HARVEST Dashboards (HIV/AIDS Review and Verification System) (US Bureau of the Census) includes: Worldwide statistics of HIV seroprevalence
United Kingdom
Department of Health and Social Care - this includes
- Statistics at DHSC which includes :
- Statistical series
- Statistical work areas - NHS England
- Hospital episode statistics (HES)
- Health, Social Services and Public Safety Statistics (Northern Ireland)
- NHS Combined Performance Summary (England & Wales only)
- A&E Attendances and Emergency Admissions (England only)
- Consultations - which include:
- Community Health Profiles website - Local Authority Health Profiles are designed to show the health of people in local authorities across England
- Health Survey for England
- Overall Patient Experience Scores - information about patients' experience of primary care services (formerly National Survey of NHS Patients)
- Selected Listing of Statistical Titles Produced by Dept. Health available on the web
- Coronary heart disease statistics - from the British Heart Foundation
- Monthly CJD Statistics
- Limbless Statistics - has replaced National Amputee Statistical Database (NASDAB)
- Infectious Diseases Data – Public Health England: data & information on communicable diseases (inc. HIV and STI)
National Statistics Health & Social Care - statistics about health, health services provided by the National Health Service and social care
Health and Safety Executive Statistics - Statistics on work-related ill-health, injuries, dangerous occurrences, enforcement and gas safety.
Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority Annual Report which includes IVF and Donor Insemination Data from 1991 - See also: research and data
Statistics in the Scottish Government - Health and social care. Archived statistics on this topic can be found on the Health and Community Care and Social and Welfare pages on
Scottish Health on the Web: (National Health Service in Scotland): which includes Information and statistics in the Health Topics section
- Key health topics : including
- Health Protection Scotland- provides data on:
- Scottish Public Health Observatory - The collaboration brings together key national organisations involved in public health intelligence in Scotland, led by ISD Scotland and NHS Health Scotland. Information & Data is presented through a series of topics:
- Behaviour - section of the website includes information on a number of behavioural factors known to influence health. These include alcohol, diet and nutrition, drugs, physical activity, sexual health and tobacco use.
- Clinical Risk Factors - The three clinical risk factors included in this section are high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity
- Life Circumstances - This part of the web site tries to reflect some of the more influential aspects of life circumstances, with a range of important, and often overlapping, topics. These include: the physical environment (and the related concept of environmental justice); income and economy; deprivation; the social environment and community well-being
- Population Groups - at present this section considers the health of ethnic minorities. Sections on other topics will be added in due course.
- Comparative Health- a brief overview of health inequalities, with particular reference to Scottish data sets and publications and international comparisons - includes:
- Population Dynamics - This part of the web site describes various related aspects of population dynamics - population, deaths and migration
- Health, Wellbeing & Disease - section includes information describing the health status of the Scottish population and at present focuses on the burden of disease from various causes. In the future we plan to add more material on health and well-being.
- Publications - overview of the key data sources for public health information in Scotland
United States
Department of Health and Human Services - National Center for Health Statistics - includes:
- Faststats - alphabetical list by subject and state/territory of brief descriptive data (e.g. teen births)
- CDC WISQARS Data & Statistics - An interactive, online collection of analysis tools for fatal, nonfatal, and cost of injury data.
- Publications and Information Products
- Healthfinder: a gateway to consumer health and human services information
- Surveys and Data Collection Systems - links to ongoing annual & periodical surveys
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - includes CDC Wonder (Reports and datatsets)
National Institutes of Health - includes Health Information Index
- National Cancer Institute which includes: Cancer Statistics
- Seer Programme - Incidence, Mortality & Survival Data
- American Cancer Society Statistics Site
Demographic & Health Surveys Program (DHS) - includes:
- STATcompiler provides quick facts and country comparisons, allowing users to build customized tables, graphs and maps from hundreds of DHS surveys and indicators.
- HIV Corner and The AIDS Indicator Survey (AIS) - provide HIV/AIDS data from a variety of sources.
- HIV Spatial Data Repository for downloading GIS dataset linked with HIV indicators
SAMHSA Statistical Data (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Statistical Abstract of the United States - (health data appears in Section 3 in pdf format)
Other US Sites
Statistical Resources on the Web: Health - from the University of Michigan Documents Center
WHO/Europe Publications & Data & Evidence - includes:
- European Health for All Database - data on about 600 health indicators, including basic demographic and socioeconomic indicators; some lifestyle- and environment-related indicators; mortality, morbidity and disability; hospital discharges; and health care resources, utilization and expenditure.
- Mortality indicators by 67 causes of death, age and sex (HFA-MDB) - 2500 mortality-based indicators and allows age- and sex-specific analysis of mortality trends.
- European mortality database (MDB) - mortality data by three-digit codes of the International Classification of Diseases and five-year age groups.
- Morbidity, disability and hospital discharges - morbidity and hospital activity patterns in countries: contains hospital-discharge data by detailed diagnosis, age and sex
- Centralized information system for infectious diseases - surveillance of communicable diseases – such as tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections, and malaria – and data on immunization coverage in countries and recent outbreaks in Europe
European Commission Health & Food Safety Directorate General - including:
- Public Health EU portal - statistics on a variety of health issues
- ECHI (European Core Health Indicators) - list of ‘indicators’ for the public health field arranged according to a conceptual view on health and health determinants Health EU Portal - wide range of information and data on health-related issues and activities at both European and international level.
Eurostat (Statistical Office of the European Union) - Health statistics
South America
Pan American Health Organization Health Data includes:
- Country Health Profiles - health situation analysis of every country of the Region of the Americas
- Health Situation in the Americas: Basic Indicators
- PAHO Basic Indicator Data Base - collection of 117 indicators for 48 states and territories of the Americas from 1995 to 2007
Statistics Canada Health - Information on the health of the population, determinants of health, and the scope and utilization of Canada’s health services
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare - includes Reports and Data A to Z
Contact Us
Please contact the Maps, Official Publications and Statistics Unit if you have any questions.