Datasets available to the Higher Education Community through Data Archives

UK Data Archives

Please note that data held by the most of the UK data archives is only available to the higher education and research communities. See individual archives for details.

EDINA (Edinburgh Data and Information Access) -  access to national online services for the UK tertiary education and research community - includes:

  • Services which includes:
    • Digimap - collection of EDINA services that deliver maps and map data of Great Britain
    • Datanation - combines official 2011 census data with authoritative Ordnance Survey maps. 
    • AgCensus - Grid square agricultural census data for England, Scotland and Wales.
    • Noteable              

Longitudinal Studies Centre - Scotland (LSCS) - responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS). This dataset includes a large sample of the Scottish population and links together various demographic, socio-economic and health data about these individuals. The data are available to academics and support is provided by a team of researchers.

UK Data Service - Census Support - provides access to the 1971, 1981,1991 and 2001 Census datasets

Experian Demographic Data, 2004-2005 and 2008-2011 - Experian Postal Sector Data which is an annually updated database of neighbourhood statistics. The Experian database provides access to a range of statistics covering geodemographics, demography, property transactions and car ownership for current postal sectors together with associated digital boundaries.

Landmap Project - including the Bartholomew digital map data, the '91 Census of Population digital boundary data, and extensive archives of satellite data from SPOT and Landsat, ERS and the deliverables of the LANDMAP Project.

UK National Digital Archive of Datasets (NDAD) - provides access to an emerging category of public record - computer datasets from UK government departments and agencies

UK Data Archive - acquires, disseminates, preserves, and promotes the largest collection of digital data in the social sciences and humanities in the United Kingdom.

The UK Data Archive integrates information previously held by the Economic and Social Data Service. ESDS was a national data archiving and dissemination service which came into operation in January 2003. The service was a jointly-funded initiative sponsored by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). The ESDS provided an integrated service offering enhanced support for the secondary use of data across the research, learning and teaching communities. All users can access study descriptions, online documentation, including questionnaires, free of charge and without registering. Registered users (GUID) can also download and explore/analyse online a large and growing number of datasets.

  • Large-scale government surveys, such as the General Household Survey and the Labour Force Survey are key data resources for social science researchers. Some specific data series being covered under this service include:

AHDS History - collects, preserves, and promotes the use of digital resources, which result from or support historical research, learning and teaching - includes:

Machine-readable Version of the 1861 Census and Vital Registration Database

Other Data Archives

  • Norwegian Historical Data Centre (Univ of Tromso) - Norwegian censuses 1865 onwards together with the parish registers and other sources from the 18th and 19th centuries
  • Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) (University of Minnesota) - census microdata for social and economic research
  • National Historical Geographic Information System - provides easy access to summary tables and time series of population, housing, agriculture, and economic data, along with GIS-compatible boundary files, for years from 1790 through the present and for all levels of U.S. census geography, including states, counties, tracts, and blocks.

Contact Us

Please contact the Maps, Official Publications and Statistics Unit if you have any questions.