What are Student Voice Feedback Minimum Expectations?
Staff-Student Liaison Committee (SSLC)
- Held once a semester
- Election of Chair and Office Bearers
- SaRDS standing item on agenda
- Minutes posted (e.g., via programme Moodle) and made accessible to relevant students
- If you’d like to improve the efficiency of the SSLs in your School, please refer to the following webpage
Course Evaluation Questionnaire (Evasys)
- Sent out once a semester
- Use core questions, but additional questions can be added as appropriate
Summary and Reponse Documents (SaRDS)
- Complete Summary and Reponse Documents (SaRDS) in response to EvaSys within 3 weeks.
- Send onto SSLC and make the document visibly available to students and staff (e.g., via course Moodle).