Assessment & Feedback Resources Hub

student in library reading book

Learning Through Assessment sets out our approach to assessment and feedback at the University of Glasgow.

Meaningful Assessment

Meaningful assessment (also known as authentic assessment) helps students develop subject-area knowledge, as well as knowledge and skills that may be useful for them in other contexts. By making assessments more meaningful, we can improve the quality and depth of students’ learning, increase their autonomy, and improve their commitment to and motivation for learning.  


  • Students to carry out activities that reflect actual practices of a profession within or in similar physical and social contexts of that profession, promoting students’ capabilities to judge the quality of their work.  
  • Assessment activities should encourage students to engage with criteria and standards about what a good performance means, judge their own performance and thereby regulate their learning.  
  • Students to engage in solving actual problems, applying knowledge, and making decisions, which is conducive to the development of cognitive and metacognitive skills.

Iterative Assessment

Iterative assessment suggests that students are reviewing their performances and building incrementally on their assessment and feedback experiences across courses and years of study. It helps students to become independent and to self-regulate their learning; it develops their understanding of what they can and need to learn from assessment and feedback, and it gives them the opportunity to be participants in a dialogue with staff and peers, rather than being passive recipients of feedback.  


  • Students might receive feedback on a draft piece of work, which they can then use to inform a revised version of that work for final submission.
  • Forms of learning that involve iterative cycles of tackling assignments, engaging with feedback, reflecting, and making ongoing adjustments.
  • E-portfolios.

Programmatic Assessment

Programmatic assessment implies that assessment is organised across a programme, rather than for individual courses. This programme structure allows for iterative assessment practices to flourish, and for students to engage with the assessment process more meaningfully. Assessments are linked across courses and programmes, giving students a connected learning experience, and helping staff reflect on what they assess, and why and how they do this. Assessment on one course may prepare a student for the content covered in the next course or can tie into assessment of a student’s performance across their whole programme. 


  • Knowledge and skills are assessed in a variety of ways; assessments complement one another, and it is possible to obtain a picture of students’ broader skillsets.  
  • Teachers designing assessments can clearly see the links between ILOs, the skills and knowledge that are being assessed, the methods of assessment, and assessment criteria.
  • Marks are based on cumulative performances, across a course or programme, rather than only on individual pieces of assessment.

Inclusive Assessment

Inclusive assessment and feedback mean that all students have the same opportunities to learn through assessment and are treated equitably throughout the assessment and feedback process. Inclusive assessment and feedback practices would help to reduce the awarding gap between different groups of students, such as those based on ethnicity, disability, and/or gender, or their social and cultural capital.


  • Students contribute to assessment and feedback processes, including design, where appropriate.
  • Students might be offered the opportunity to indicate the type of feedback they want, or the areas in which feedback would most benefit them (within the existing framework of marking criteria).
  • Marking criteria, or some part of these, could be co-created between staff and students.