Programmatic Assessment

Programmatic assessment implies that assessment is organised across a programme, rather than for individual courses. This programme structure allows for iterative assessment practices to flourish, and for students to engage with the assessment process more meaningfully. Assessments are linked across courses and programmes, giving students a connected learning experience, and helping staff reflect on what they assess, and why and how they do this. Assessment on one course may prepare a student for the content covered in the next course or can tie into assessment of a student’s performance across their whole programme. 


  • Knowledge and skills are assessed in a variety of ways; assessments complement one another, and it is possible to obtain a picture of students’ broader skillsets.  
  • Teachers designing assessments can clearly see the links between ILOs, the skills and knowledge that are being assessed, the methods of assessment, and assessment criteria.
  • Marks are based on cumulative performances, across a course or programme, rather than only on individual pieces of assessment.

Leading Enhancements in Assessment and Feedback (LEAF)

LEAF is the Leading Enhancements in Assessment and Feedback project. It was an ambitious two year collaborative project looking at curriculums and assessment across the full undergraduate degree programme (three or four years), across fields in separate colleges, and across four universities (Glasgow, Edinburgh, Nottingham and Birmingham). Key to LEAF was exploring the balance of efficiency and effectiveness of assessment to look at ways that assessment in different subjects can achieve more in terms of both evaluation and learning while also reducing overload for both staff and students. To do this we have adopted (and further developed) a process known as curriculum mapping and assessment blueprinting (CMAB). The following is an introduction to CMAB and how it aims to work with subjects to help meet the LEAF objectives of making assessment a better experience for everyone.