Programmatic Resource
Curriculum Mapping
Why map your curriculum?
One way to ensure that your assessment is doing what you want it to do, and is assessing the intended learning outcomes of your programme is to map your curriculum and then overlay (or blueprint) your assessment methods onto that map. This can initially be a time-consuming process. However, once complete, your curriculum map will enable you to reduce repetition in content, highlight areas that are missing or under-taught from your curriculum and ensure that you are using a coherent assessment strategy that assesses the intended learning outcomes of each course and of the programme as a whole.
Keeping feedback in mind
Opportunities for feedback on formative assessment are also mapped during the CMAB process, to identify where students have access to feedback throughout the course. This is particularly useful for teaching teams in helping to identify where they might need to increase and/or decrease these opportunities.
Further Information
For further information about curriculum mapping and assessment blueprinting, please see the LEAF Introduction to Curriculum Mapping and Blueprinting pdf, written by the leading Enhancement in Assessment and Feedback (LEAF) team at the University of Glasgow. It also contains information about the Transforming Experience of Students THrough Assessment (TESTA) process.
Supporting Documents:
LEAF Introduction to Curriculum Mapping and Blueprinting
Effective Feedback: Guidance for Markers Exemplar
LTA One Page Summary [UofG Staff Only]