Planning and implementing (re)design

Implementing (re)design in assessment and feedback can feel like a big task, but it doesn’t need to be. You can make small changes and pilot them, or jump right in and make big changes. The decision is yours, but the important thing is that all the changes we make improve our students’ learning experiences.

Planning changes to your assessment and feedback strategy

Remembering that any change will take time, ask yourself the following five questions:

  1. What do I want to change and why?

    This question will focus your planning and start to give you an idea about possible solutions.

  2. What do I want to my students to have the opportunity to practice/demonstrate/learn?

    This question will focus your changes on your students’ learning

  3. Who has expertise I can draw upon?

    This question helps you identify students’ programme(s) of study, who, can help you with the (re)design.

  4. Do the changes I am considering need approval?

    This question should point you in the direction of across the University and policy if needed.

  5. How does my plan fit with the University’s procedure and essentials of assessment and feedback design and with the principles?

    This question guides you to the list of points to consider in design.

Student involvement in (re)design

Our students are smart people; they are usually able to articulate what it is that doesn’t work about feedback and assessment within a course, and very often they have excellent ideas for how it can be improved too. We just need to ask! It can be as simple as a short qualitative questionnaire, or even ideas on post-it notes, or as involved as deigning assessments with your students. The route you choose to take is likely influenced by your confidence and your desire for change as well as practical considerations.