Marking Analytics to Improve Feedback

College of MVLS - Undergraduate & Postgraduate

Class size: over 300

Technological competancy: Advanced

Suitable for online learning


  • To implement a more consistent approach to feedback delivery across different courses and programmes.
  • Efficient time-saving process for making feedback.
  • To promote a more positive approach to feedback.
  • To encourage a dialogue between staff and students around feedback.

What was done?

Implementation of common assessment criteria across assessments, using 3 main criteria of Knowledge and Research, Comprehension and Critical evaluation, and Academic communication. Markers reflected on how many words the used across different grade bands and made this more consistent. They used their distribution of grades in comparison to other markers to check that they were using the grading scale consistently. Finally they also looked at the verbal descriptors they and aligned them consistently with the grade.

What worked well?

Markers overall responded well to the process and adopted the approach.  This led to positive feedback from examiners on the quality of the feedback and positive comments from markers on how to structure their feedback and the focus of their comments to be consistent with others in team marking, but also across the programme.


Student BenefiftsStaff Benefits
Where the analytics are employed, we have seen positive student feedback  regarding the consistency across markers.

Clearer expectations on what is required in feedback comments across a team and more efficient use of making  time.

Effective moderation process, and increased consistency in grading.


Student ChellengesStaff Challenges
Students  still struggle to use their feedback effectively. We are developingguidance on reflecting on coursework and exam feedback and setting actionable goals to try adn address this.

Initial agreement had to be reached between markers across the programmes in the school. Markers also need to reflect and  and implement the feedback.

Course leads need to adopt this approach and in some cases where the marking team is highly diverse we need a different approach (dissertations, for instance).