Iterative Assessment

Iterative assessment suggests that students are reviewing their performances and building incrementally on their assessment and feedback experiences across courses and years of study. It helps students to become independent and to self-regulate their learning; it develops their understanding of what they can and need to learn from assessment and feedback, and it gives them the opportunity to be participants in a dialogue with staff and peers, rather than being passive recipients of feedback.  


  • Students might receive feedback on a draft piece of work, which they can then use to inform a revised version of that work for final submission.
  • Forms of learning that involve iterative cycles of tackling assignments, engaging with feedback, reflecting, and making ongoing adjustments.
  • E-portfolios.

What resources can you find under iterative assessment?

Self Regulated Learning

  • A review of self regulated learning
  • A collaborative learning approach to dialogic peer feedback

Feedback Literacy

  • Feedback Literacy References