Student Skills and Professional Development
The purpose of the Student Skills and Professional Development (SSPD) Workstream is to lead on the implementation of this pillar of the the Learning & Teaching Strategy. This involves identifying opportunities and appetite for skills-based courses, models/approaches to such provision, greater embedding of skills within the curriculum, a coherent framework and approach to promoting student engagement with skills development and the Graduate Attributes framework

Student Skills & Professional Development Workstream Objectives
1. Embedding Skills
Solicit examples of current good practice and determine a sustainable mechanism for sharing practice of successful options to promote specific skill development in all courses.
2. Skills as an add-on
Identify areas of good practice in the implementation of add-on opportunities for students through scoping the sector, intra-institution investigation, and utilising established colleague expertise (e.g., from delivery of microcredentials).
3. Tools to support students
Identify what tools will support students to record, evidence and reflect on learning activities that have supported their skills development.