Evolving Teaching Practice
The purpose of the Evolving Teaching Practice Workstream is to create a shared understanding and approach to developing and supporting active learning across the University. This entails the articulation of long-term ambitions for active learning, consistent and coherent messaging around active learning and clear articulation of the requirements of the associated physical and digital infrastructure

Evolving Teaching Practice Workstream Objectives
1. Horizon Scanning
Develop an approach to horizon scanning and regular reporting that identifies technological trends and potential changes that are likely to impact L&T in HE.
2. Hybrid L&T
Make recommendations on future use of hybrid and/or hyflex delivery at UofG in light of:
- a review of hybrid teaching models in use at other national and international institutions
- good practice for designing and delivering hybrid courses that promote student engagement
- consideration of hybrid approaches from student learning and staff experience perspectives
- a review of hybrid technologies.
3. Implementing & Evaluating ETP
Create a reporting structure to capture historical and ongoing active learning approaches (including blended learning e.g. former BOLD project). This will enable the evaluation of the impact of active learning and the identification of effective approaches to student and staff support that further the adoption of active learning.