About Learning & Teaching Strategy

About Learning & Teaching Strategy
Our purpose is to develop and support our students through an excellent University experience so that they fulfil their academic potential and contribute in the fullest way possible to culture, society and the economy throughout their lives.
Find out downloadable strategy documents below:
Overview of the Learning & Teaching Workstreams

Transforming Curricula
The purpose of the Transforming Curricula Workstream is to lead on the implementation of the transforming curricula elements of the Learning & Teaching Strategy. This involves: identifying existing good practice in programmatic approaches, inclusive curricula, work-related learning and inter-disciplinary learning; stimulating and where appropriate commissioning new work; championing and facilitating sharing of good practice; and ensuring that the values in the strategy underpin curricula transformation.

Evolving Teaching Practice
The purpose of the Evolving Teaching Practice Workstream is to create a shared understanding and approach to developing and supporting active learning across the University. This entails the articulation of long-term ambitions for active learning, consistent and coherent messaging around active learning and clear articulation of the requirements of the associated physical and digital infrastructure.

Student Skills & Professional Development
The purpose of the Student Skills and Professional Development (SSPD) Workstream is to lead on the implementation of this pillar of the the Learning & Teaching Strategy. This involves identifying opportunities and appetite for skills-based courses, models/approaches to such provision, greater embedding of skills within the curriculum, a coherent framework and approach to promoting student engagement with skills development and the Graduate Attributes framework

A&F Practice and Policy
You may have heard of the Practice and Policy Workstream as part of the A&F Project and the development of the Learning Through Assessment (LTA) framework. The purpose of the A&F Practice and Policy Workstream is to promote the Vision and Principles as outlined in 'Learning Through Assessment' to enable enhancement to the University's approach to assessment and feedback.
L&T Strategy Progress Reports