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Release Management & Communications Workflow

The Release Management & Communications Workflow is designed to ensure any submitted request for works are thoroughly assessed before approval and communicated to all relevant stakeholders.

General updates will be provided to stakeholders in order to introduce, raise awareness and cultivate planned works.

For actual activity-based updates, the following process will be followed:

  1. The planned dates will be verified against the following to ensure no clashes:
    • against the NP Team, UofG and appropriate buildings calendars
    • approval from relevant stakeholders will be sought
    • the Forward Schedule of Change (FSC) calendar will be conferred with
    • resources, other downtime/outages and other impacts on user
  2. Pre-Comms: Vague notice of planned works requested
  3. Submission: Planned works request has been submitted
  4. Assessment: Planned works have been have been assessed by relevant parties
  5. Approval: Once assessed, the relevant body will consider for approval
  6. Pre-Implementation Comms: If aproved, accurate details of work will be communicated (When? What? Where? etc.)
  7. Commence Work Comms: Circa. 15mins prior to works starting the relevant stakeholder will be informed
  8. Implementation: The works will be carried out
  9. Completion of Work Comms: Once work has been completed, the relevant stakeholder will be informed
  10. Review: The works will be reviewed to ensure the goal of the works has been met
  11. Close: The Release Management process comes to a close 
  12. Post-Implementation Comms: The completion of work and outcomes are communicated to relevant stakeholders 

Flow Chart of Release Management & Communications Process

NB - Rollback/Delay and Emergency/Retrospective Release Management and Communications have been considered as part of the process.