The University is embarking on an improvement and modernisation programme for its data centre facilities to renew the infrastructure, relocate to modern hosting locations and leverage the public cloud.
The Infrastructure as a Service Programme commenced in 2021 as a multi-phase programme to transform the University’s data centre facilities. The initial focus is to mitigate the risk of outages due to end-of-life infrastructure and commission a new data centre facility on campus. This work is well underway.
Once this is achieved, the programme will focus on defining and implementing the future hosting strategy and target operating model.
The Infrastructure as a Service Programme is being progressed through a series of phases:
- Phase 1a: PMitigate critical risks and deliver the new Application Centric data centre networking solution. Fully commission new on-premise data centre. (Complete)
- Phase 1b: Expand disaster recovery storage solution. (Complete)
- Phase 2: Define strategy for future infrastructure provision, especially regarding exiting end-of-life facilities and exploiting public cloud. (Complete)
- Phase 3: Provision new data centre and relocate workloads (In Progress)