Staff categories and project codes

Apportioning Costs to different staff categories

The managed print system automatically assigns costs for printing via an internal Agresso process to apportion costs at the end of each month. All printing, for all users in all circumstances is recorded against individual user ID’s. These costs are amalgamated into totals for groups and charged accordingly. The groups are created using users with common Cost Centre information, and charges are then allocated to five digit project codes using a lookup provided between cost centres and the relevant project codes. 

Assigning individual users to project codes

Each user accessing University systems has a GUID and an associated primary Cost Centre (the first Cost Centre from which their salary is taken).

For users with classification 01 (R&T), 02 (Clinical) and 04 (MPA, Tech and Ops) we populate their cost centre information from their primary cost centre used to allocate salary payments at the appointment level.

For those with no cost centre allocation, we assign their primary cost centre to the cost centre retained at Organisation Unit Level within Core HR.

Finance teams have provided, for each Cost Centre, a mapping between the first five digits of the primary Cost Centre and an associated Print Project Code.

A report is created from the Managed Print System which amalgamates all printing for each project code, which is in turn imported into Agresso for automatic recharge early the next month.


Finance teams produce a list of project codes for their primary cost centres.

Primary Cost Centre Print Project Code
29905000 44412
29906000 44413
40101000 22499
40102000 22499
40103100 22499
90310000 43567
90310200 43567
Staff Name GUID Primary Cost Centre Print Project Number
Peter Mitchell pdm3p 903100000 43567
Tony Cummins ac93y 903102000 43567

In this example both users have a Cost Centre code starting 90310 which in the lookup table gives the same project number ( they could be different ).

Staff users in categories 03 (Fees, aWorker), 05 (Hon), 06 (Affiliate), 99 (Beatson)

Users is this category will be assigned project codes using the same mechanism as other staff categories.

For those who do not have a project number designated to their cost centre number, the costs will be apportioned to the college in which their cost centre sits. If no printing is required for these users IT services should be informed and their accounts will be changed to PAY, meaning they will need to buy print credits in advance.