Guide for SYMPA mailing list users

Subscribe to a list via the web interface

  1. Log into email lists with Sympa.
  2. Then click on Index of lists and select on the list you want to subscribe to.
  3. On the left hand side, click on Subscribe to subscribe to the list. If the option is not available then only the list owner can subscribe you.

Subscribe to a list via email

Send an email to with the follow in the Subject line:


where LISTNAME is the name of the list you wish to subscribe to (i.e. the part of the list's email address before the @)
and NAME is your first name and surname.


If Adam Smith wanted to subscribe to the ITS Alerts list ( he would send the following email:

Subject: SUB it-alerts Adam Smith

Subscriber options

This is where you can change your receiving mode options for your lists and whether or not you wish to reveal your email address.

Receiving mode

  • If you click on the up and down pointers/arrows beside standard (direct reception) you will get a list of Receiving modes.
  • If you want an explanation of what each mode does, then click on the Help button.

E-mail visibility

  • If you do not wish your email address to be viewed by other people, select concealed.
  • Once you have finished selecting your subscriber options, click on Update to commit your changes.

Unsubscribe via the web interface

  1. Log into email lists with Sympa
  2. Once you have logged in, select Index of lists and click on the list you want to unsubscribe from.
  3. On the left hand side, click on Unsubscribe to unsubscribe from the list. If the option is not available then only the list owner can unsubscribe you.

Unsubscribe via email

  1. Send an email to with nothing in the Subject: line. In the message body put the following: UNSUBSCRIBE LISTNAME EMAIL where LISTNAME is the name of the list you wish to unsubscribe from, and EMAIL is an optional email address, useful if different from your "From:" address.
  2. If you normally have an automatic signature at the end of your email, please put the word QUITjust before your signature.

For example:


  • From:
  • To:
  • Subject: leave empty
  • Message body:
    UNSUBSCRIBE listname



List user email commands

Please note this is a lengthy list!

  • HELP - Provides instructions for the use of Sympa commands.
  • INFO "listname" - Provides the parameters of the list specified (owner, subscription mode, etc.) and its description.
  • LISTS - Provides the names of lists managed by the mailing lists service which the user is authorized to see. List owners may not choose to make their list(s) visible.
  • REVIEW "listname" - Provides the names and addresses of list subscribers. Since subscriber addresses can be abused by spammers, it is strongly recommended that you only authorize owners to access the subscriber list.
  • WHICH - Returns the list of lists to which one is subscribed, as well as the configuration of his or her subscription to each of the lists (DIGEST, NOMAIL, SUMMARY, CONCEAL).
  • STATS "listname" - Provides statistics for the specified list: number of messages received, number of messages sent, megabytes received, megabytes sent.
  • INDEX "listname" - Provides index of archives for the list specified.
  • GET "listname" archive - To retrieve archives for list (see above).
  • LAST "listname" - To receive the last message distributed in a list (see above). Access to this command may be restricted by the listowner.
  • SUBSCRIBE "listname" Firstname lastname - Requests sign-up to the specified list. The firstname and lastname parameters are optional. If the list is configured with a restricted subscription, this command is sent to the list owner for approval.
  • INVITE "listname" user@host name - Invites someone to subscribe to the list specified. The name parameter is optional. The command is similar to ADD, but the person specified is not added to the list but invited to subscribe to it instead.
  • UNSUBSCRIBE "listname" [ user@host ] - Requests unsubscription from the specified list. UNSUBSCRIBE * means unsubscription from all lists.
  • SET "listname" DIGEST - Puts the subscriber in "digest" mode for the "listname" list. Instead of receiving email from the list in a normal manner, the subscriber will periodically receive it in a digest. The sending period for these digests is regulated by the list owner.
  • SET "listname" SUMMARY - Puts the subscriber in "summary" mode for the "listname" list. Instead of receiving email from the list in a normal manner, the subscriber will periodically receive the list of messages. This mode is very close to the DIGEST reception mode, but the subscriber only receives the list of messages.
  • SET "listname" NOMAIL - Puts subscriber in "nomail" mode for the "listname" list. This mode is used when a subscriber no longer wants to receive email from the list, but nevertheless wishes to retain the possibility of posting to the list. This mode therefore prevents the subscriber from unsubscribing and subscribing later on
  • SET "listname" TXT - Puts subscriber in "txt" mode for the "listname" list. This mode is used when a subscriber wishes to receive emails sent in both format, txt/html and txt/plain only, in txt/plain format.
  • SET "listname" HTML - Puts subscriber in "html" mode for the "listname" list. This mode is used when a subscriber wishes to receive emails sent in both format, txt/html and txt/plain only, in txt/html format.
  • SET "listname" URLIZE - Puts subscriber in "urlize" mode for the "listname" list. This mode is used when a subscriber wishes not to receive attached files. The attached files are replaced by a URL leading to the file stored on the list site.
  • SET "listname" NOT_ME - Puts subscriber in "not_me" mode for the "listname" list. This mode is used when a subscriber wishes not to receive back the message that he/she has sent to the list.
  • SET "listname" MAIL - Puts the subscriber in "normal" mode (default) for the "listname" list. This option is mainly used to cancel the "nomail", "summary" or "digest" modes. If the subscriber was in "nomail" mode, he or she will receive email from the list in a normal manner again.
  • SET "listname" CONCEAL - Puts the subscriber in "conceal" mode for the "listname" list. The subscriber will then become invisible during "REVIEW" on this list. Only owners will see the whole subscriber list.
  • SET "listname" NOCONCEAL  - Puts the subscriber in "noconceal" mode (default) for the "listname" list. The subscriber will then become visible during "REVIEW" of this list. The "conceal" mode is therefore cancelled.
  • QUIT - Ends acceptance of commands. This can be useful when the message contains additional lines, as for example in the case where a signature is automatically added by the user's email program.
  • CONFIRM key - If the listowner has set the list up for key-based posting, then messages are only distributed in the list after an authentication phase by return e-mail, using a one-time password (numeric key). For this authentication, the sender of the message is requested to post the CONFIRM key command to Sympa to 'release' the message for distribution.
  • QUIET - This command is used for silent (mute) processing: no performance report is returned for commands prefixed with "QUIET".