Incunabula: prices index
References prices of books as actually recorded in the books, and also prices from other sources such as marked up booksellers' catalogues etc. Listed chronologically (earliest first) and then in ascending price order, differentiating between currencies.
Go to prices from:
- 15th century
- 16th century
- 16th/17th century
- 17th century
- 17th/18th century
- 18th century
- 19th century
- 20th century
- Date not known
- Price codes
15th century
2 ducats An-x.13
Rhenish florins
4 Rhenish florins Be.1.14
36 s[olidi] T.C.L. f1
16th century
4 batzen (1542) Bx.2.9
Bolognese florins
20 florins (1504) Bh.3.24
6 Groschen Eg7-c.10
4 lire (15--) An-e.21
2 s[olidi] Bn6-c.5
£0.4.0(?) Bo1-d.2; £0.5.0 Eg6-a.9; £0.18.0 Cm.1.2
1 thaler (1556) Dr-d.6
16th/17th century
£0.2.4 Bm9-e.14
17th century
Gulden; stuyvers
3 gulden 10 st. (1644) Bh.3.10
13 lire (1633) Bh.2.2
340 livres By.1.1
£0.2.0 (1678) Cn.2.21 (item 1) & Cn.2.21 (item 2); £0.2.6 (1650) Bv.2.29; £0.3.0 [unspecified transaction? deposit?] Bo1-d.2; £3.8.6 (1630) Bv.1.6 ; £0.5.0 167513; £0.5.6 Bg.3.21
Pound Scots
£ Scots 1.0.0 (1693) Bm1-e.9
17th/18th century
Florins; stuyvers
12 stuyvers Bl7-e.2
18th century
Florins; sous
1 florin 5 sous (1770) By.3.35; 2 florins 8 sous (1770) Bw.3.30; 4 florins 15 sous (1770) Bf.3.15 (item 1) & Bf.3.15 (item 2)
Florins; stuyvers
16 florins 10 stuyvers (1779) Bw.3.8 (item 1) & Bw.3.8 (item 2); 120 florins (1764) Bf.3.2;
Livres; sous
2 livres (1728) Bg.2.6; 5 livres [part II] (c. 1725) Bc.2.25, 26; 5 livres 10 sous (1728) Bx.3.6; 6 livres (1764) By.2.12; 6 livres (1767) By.3.34; 6 livres 19 sous (1769) By.3.3; 8 livres (1769) Bg.2.19; 8 livres 16 sous (1728) Be.3.22; 8 livres 19 sous (1769) By.3.6; 9 livres (1769) Be.3.9 (item 1) & Be.3.9 (item 2); 9 livres (1769) Bg.2.26; 9 livres (1769) By.3.9; 9 livres? (1769) Bg.1.5; 9 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.3.18; 9 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.3.10; 9 livres 14 sous (1769) By.3.7; 9 livres 14 sous (1769) By.2.16; 10 livres [part I] (c. 1725) ; 10 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.3.12 (item 1), Bx.3.12 (item 2) & Bx.3.12 (item 3); 11 livres 19 sous (1769) By.1.1; 12 livres (1769) Bx.3.31 (item 1), Bx.3.31 (item 2), Bx.3.31 (item 3), Bx.3.31 (item 4) & Bx.3.31 (item 5); 12 livres (1769) By.3.36; 12 livres 1 sou (1764) Be.3.11; 12 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.2.10; 12 livres 1 sou (1769) ; 12 livres 10 sous (1728) [with 5 other items] By.2.3; 13 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.3.20; 14 livres (1769) Bw.3.27; 14 livres 1 sou (1769) Bw.3.23; 14 livres 1 sou (1769) By.3.25; 14 livres 19 sous (1770) By.3.20 (item 1) & By.3.20 (item 2); 15 livres 1 sou (1769) ; 15 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.3.33; 15 livres 1 sou (1769) Bw.2.22; 15 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.3.36; 16 livres 1 sou (1770) By.3.2; 17 livres 1 sou (1769) Bw.3.16; 18 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.1.12; 18 livres 16 sous (1769) Bg.2.7; 19 livres (1769) Bw.2.12; 19 livres 2 sous (1769) By.3.11 (item 1), By.3.11 (item 2), By.3.11 (item 3), & By.3.11 (item 4); 20 livres 1 sou (1769) Bf.3.11; 21 livres (1769) [i.e. paid for 2nd copy, no longer in Hunterian Library] By.2.9; 21 livres 1 sou (1769) Bw.2.18; 24 livres (1764) Bx.2.21; 24 livres (1769) Bg.1.11; 24 livres (1770) By.3.30; 24 livres 1 sou? (1769) Bh.2.11 (item 1), Bh.2.11 (item 2), Bh.2.11 (item 3) & Bh.2.11 (item 4); 24 livres 1 sou (1769) Bg.2.11; 24 livres 1 sou (1770) By.3.22; 24 livres 4 sous (1769) Bx.3.4; 24 livres 4 sous (1770) Bx.2.6; 24 livres 6 sous (1769) Bw.1.10; 25 livres 1 sou (1764) ; 25 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.3.29; 25 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.3.28; 25 livres 5 sous (1770) Bx.2.11 (item 1), Bx.2.11 (item 2) & Bx.2.11 (item 3); 26 livres 1 sou (1769) Be.3.16 (item 1), Be.3.16 (item 2) & Be.3.16 (item 3); 26 livres 1 sou (1769) Be.3.24; 26 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.3.13; 27 livres 1 sou (1769) Be.2.14; 28 livres 1 sou (1769) Be.3.23 (item 1) & Be.3.23 (item 2); 28 livres 1 sou (1769) Bw.2.7; 29 livres 2 sous (1769) Bf.1.6; 29 livres 19 sous (1769) Bx.3.8; 29 livres 19 sous (1770) Bx.3.35; 30 livres (1728) Bx.1.10; 30 livres (1769) Bw.2.16; 30 livres (1769) Bf.2.5; 30 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.1.7; 30 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.2.7; 30 livres 5 sous (1769) Be.1.7; 30 livres 15 sous (1738) Be.3.19; 32 livres 1 sou (1769) Be.3.5; 33 livres (1769) Bw.2.8; 33 livres 1 sou (1769) Be.2.16; 33 livres 2 sous (1769) Bw.2.24; 33 livres 3 sous (1769) Ds.2.5; 35 livres 19 sous (1769) Bg.2.6; 36 livres (1769) Bg.2.27; 36 livres (1767) Be.3.6; 36 livres 1 sou (1769) Be.1.4; 36 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.2.21; 36 livres 1 sou (1769) Bf.1.10; 36 livres 1 sou (1769) Bg.2.21; 36 livres 19 sous (1770) Bx.3.34; 36 livres 19 sous (1770) Bf.3.9; 36 livres 19 sous? (1770) Bf.3.1; 37 livres (1769) Bf.2.8; 37 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.2.12; 38 livres 1 sou (1769) By.2.18; 39 livres 9 sous (1769) Bw.2.19; 39 livres 19 sous (1769) Bw.2.9; 40 livres 1 sou (1769) [i.e. paid for 2nd copy, no longer in the Hunterian Library] By.1.3; 40 livres 4 sous (1770) By.2.11; 42 livres (1769) Bx.3.32; 43 livres 1 sou (1769) Bw.3.15; 44 livres 19 sous (1769) Be.2.5; 45 livres 5 sous (1770) By.3.28; 48 livres (1769) Bw.3.19; 48 livres (1770) [i.e. paid for a 2nd copy, no longer in the Hunterian Library] Bg.1.4; 48 livres 13 sous? (1769) ; 49 livres 1 sou (1769) Bg.2.9; 49 livres 4 sous (1770) Bh.2.12; 49 livres 18 sous (1769) Bw.3.26; 50 livres (1769) Bw.1.10; 50 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.3.30; 50 livres 1 sou (1769) Bf.1.3; 50 livres 1 sou (1769) Be.2.17; 50 livres 4 sous (1769) By.3.17; 50 livres 19 sous (1769) Be.2.8 (item 1) & Be.2.8 (item 2); 51 livres (1769) By.2.13; 52 livres 19 sous? (1767) By.2.5; 54 livres 1 sou (1769) Be.3.14 (item 1) & Be.3.14 (item 2); 54 livres 4 sous (1769) By.3.10; 55 livres 1 sou (1769) Bf.1.2; 55 livres 6 sou (1769) By.1.4; 57 livres 1 sou (1769) Bw.2.10; 57 livres 1 sou (1769) By.1.5; 57 livres 12 sous (1769) Be.2.15; 58 livres 1 sou (1769) By.3.24 (item 1) & By.3.24 (item 2); 59 livres? (1767) Bf.1.16; 59 livres (1769) Bx.2.4; 59 livres 19 sous (1769) Bh.3.10; 59 livres 19 sous (1769) Bw.3.17; 59 livres 19 sous (1769) Bx.3.25; 60 livres (1769) Bg.2.20 (item 1), Bg.2.20 (item 2), & Bg.2.20 (item 3); 60 livres 1 sou (1769) Bw.1.8, 9; 60 livres 10 sous (1728) ; 61 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.1.8; 61 livres 1 sou (1768) Bg.2.22; 61 livres 19 sous (1728) Bx.1.11; 63 livres (1769) Bg.3.22; 63 livres 3 sous (1769) Bw.3.20; 64 livres 19 sous (1769) Bf.1.12; 65 livres 1 sou? (1769) (item 1), (item 2), (item 3) & (item 4); 66 livres 1 sou (1769) By.3.12; 66 livres 6 sous (1769) Bw.2.11; 68 livres 1 sou (1769) Bf.1.13; 70 livres 1 sou (1769) Bf.2.7; 71 livres 1 sou (1769) Bv.1.7; 71 livres 11 sous (1769) [i.e. paid for a 2nd copy, no longer in the Hunterian Library] Bx.1.5; 71 livres 19 sous? (1769) Bx.2.19; 72 livres (1769) Bw.1.11; 72 livres (1769) Bw.2.8; 72 livres 10 sous (1769) Be.1.4; 72 livres 13 sous (1769) Bg.1.9; 73 livres 1 sou (1769) By.3.26 (item 1) & By.3.26 (item 2); 73 livres 13 sous (1769) Bw.2.17; 74 livres 1 sou (1769) Bw.3.18; 75 livres 1 sou (1769) Bg.1.10; 79 livres 1 sou (1769) By.1.6; 80 livres 1 sou? (1769) ; 80 livres 1 sou (1769) Bx.1.6; 80 livres 1 sou? (1769) Bx.2.19; 80 livres 1 sou (1769) Bf.1.1; 85 livres 1 sou (1769) Bf.2.6; 85 livres 15 sous (1769) ; 90 livres (1738) Bf.2.13; 90 livres (1769) Be.2.12; 90 livres (1769) By.3.27; 91 livres (1770) Bf.3.19; 93 livres (1769) Bf.2.4; 94 livres 1 sou (1769) Bg.2.10; 96 livres? (1767) ; 96 livres (1769) ; 96 livres (1769) [i.e. paid for 2nd copy, no longer in the Hunterian Library] Be.1.9; 96 livres (1770) By.2.19; 96 livres 1 sou (1769) Bf.1.15; 99 livres 19 sous (1769) Bf.2.11; 100 livres (1764) Be.2.17; 100 livres (1769) Bw.2.20; 100 livres (1769) Be.2.4; 102 livres (1769) Be.1.6; 106 livres (1769) Be.1.11; 108 livres 8 sous (1769) Be.3.7, 8; 110 livres (1769) Be.1.12 (item 1) & Be.1.12 (item 2); 115 livres 1 sou (1769) Be.2.6; 120 livres (1769) Bv.1.10, 11; 120 livres 1 sou (1769) Bg.1.4; 121 livres (1769) Be.3.26; 121 livres 13 sous (1769) Bf.1.4; 123 livres 1 sou (1769) Bf.2.14; 126 livres 6 sous (1769) Bg.2.17, 18; 126 livres 13 sous (1769) Bg.2.8; 129 livres 1 sou (1769) Bv.1.10, 11; 130 livres 1 sou (1767) ; 130 livres 1 sou (1769) Bf.1.9; 134 livres (1769) Be.3.10; 140 livres (1767) Bw.1.7; 143 livres 19 sous (1769) By.1.12, 13; 150 livres? (1767) ; 150 livres (1769) ; 150 livres 1 sou (1769) By.2.4; 151 livres (1769) Bx.2.3; 159 livres 19 sous (1769) Bx.2.13; 160 livres 1 sou (1769) Bw.3.28; 180 livres 1 sou (1767) ; 184 livres (1769) Bf.1.17; 200 livres (1764) ; 200 livres (1769) Bx.2.19; 200 livres 1 sou (1769) Be.3.20; 200 livres 2 sous (1769) Be.3.18; 205 livres 2 sous (1769) Bh.2.4, Bh.2.5, Bh.2.6, Bh.2.7, 8 & Bh.2.9; 215 livres 1 sou (1769) Be.1.14; 221 livres 1 sou (1769) Bv.1.9; 230 livres 1 sou (1769) Bf.1.5; 240 livres 3 sous (1769) ; 240 livres 9 sous (1769) Be.3.12; 250 livres 19 sous (1769) Bg.2.25; 280 livres 19 sous (1769) Bf.1.18; 291 livres 13 sous (1769) Bf.3.2; 301 livres (1770) Be.1.10; 340 livres (1769) By.1.9, 10; 340 livres (1770) Bf.2.12; 396 livres 1 sou (1769) ; 483 livres 1 sou (1769) Bg.1.7, Bg.1.8 & Bx.1.9; 484 livres (1769) By.1.7; 500 livres (1769) Be.2.3; 563 livres (1769) Bg.2.12; 648 livres (1769) By.1.9, 10; 749 livres 19 sous (1769) [i.e. paid for a 2nd copy, no longer in the Hunterian Library] Bv.1.5
14 reales Ag-y.22
£0.1.0? Bw.3.14; £0.2.6 (1780) Bg.3.17; £0.3.0 (1745) Bx.3.22 (item 1); £0.3.0 (1780) Bw.3.33; £0.3.0 (before 1783) Bx.3.43; £0.3.3 (1744) Bg.3.2; £0.3.6 (1776) Bx.3.39; £0.3.6 (1780) By.3.21; £0.4.0 (1745) Bf.3.18; £0.4.0 (1780) By.3.37; £0.5.0 (1754) By.2.8 (item1) & By.2.8 (item 2); £0.5.0 (1763) Bg.1.14; £0.5.0 (before 1772) R.3.4; £0.5.0? Bg.3.16; £0.5.0? An-y.22; £.0.5.0? (before 1783) Ck.2.1; £0.5.6 (1780) Bg.2.32; £0.6.0? (1775) Bw.3.24; £0.6.6 (1754) Bx.3.26; £0.6.6 (1765) Bx.3.27; £0.7.0 (1765) Bw.3.14; £0.7.0 (1775) By.2.21; £0.7.6 (c. 1745) Be.2.20; £0.7.6 (c. 1745) Bw.3.1 (item 1) & Bw.3.1 (item 2); £0.7.6 (1754) By.3.33; £0.7.6 (1763) Bg.2.28; £0.7.6 (1771) By.3.1; £0.7.6 (1763) Bg.2.28; £0.7.6 (before 1783) By.2.2; £0.8.0 (1742) Bh8-d.4; £0.8.0 (1743) Bl10-d.10; £0.8.0 (1773) Bv.3.4; £0.8.0 (1778) Cn.2.21 (item 1) & Cn.2.21 (item 2); £0.10.6 (1763) Bh.3.21; £0.10.6 (1765) By.1.14; £0.10.6 (1773) By.3.15; £0.10.6 (1775) Bx.3.11; £0.10.6? (before 1772) ; £0.10.6 (1780) Bw.3.3; £0.10.6 (before 1791) Bl10-d.10; £0.10.6 (before 1783) By.2.20; £0.11.6 (1776) Bb.2.29; £0.12.0 (1742) Bh3-e.13 (item 1), Bh3-e.13 (item 2) & Bh3-e.13 (item 3); £0.12.0 (1769) Bv.2.18; £0.12.0 (1776) Bw.3.5; £0.12.0 (1776) Bx.3.41; £0.12.6 (1778) Bx.2.25; £0.12.6 (before 1783) Bh.1.24; £0.13.0 (1732) Bh.2.3; £0.13.0 (1766) Bf.3.12; £0.14.0 (1755) By.3.14; £0.14.0 (1772) ; £0.15.0 (1769) Bx.3.23; £0.15.0 (before 1783) Bf.2.20; £0.15.0 Bw.2.14, 15; £0.15.6 (1776) ; £0.16.0 (1744) ; £0.16.0 (1776) Bv.3.14; £0.16.0 (1776) By.3.31; £0.19.6 (1772) Bh.2.2; £1.0.0 (1742) Bh9-d.9 (item 1) & Bh9-d.9 (item 2); £1.0.0 (1744) Bl9-g.15, 16; £1.1.0 (c. 1743) Bx.2.17; £1.1.0 (1744/1745) Bx.2.1; £1.1.0 (1754) Bx.3.24; £1.1.0 (1764) Bh.2.16; £1.1.0 (1776) ; £1.1.0 (1778); £1.1.0 (1778) Bh.2.21; £1.1.0 (1778) Bx.3.17; £1.1.0 (before 1783) Bf.3.16; £1.1.0 (c. 1743) By.2.7; £1.2.0 (1754) Bx.2.15; £1.2.0 (1754) Bg.1.12; £1.2.0 (1765) Bh.3.25; £1.2.0 (1780) Bx.3.1; £1.3.0 (1754) Bg.2.1; £1.3.0 (1778) Bw.3.31; £1.3.0 (1798) 167505; £1.5.0 (before 1783) Bx.3.2; £1.6.0 (1754) Ac.4.5; £1.6.0 (1774) Cm.1.2; £1.7.0 (1778) Be.3.29 (item 1) & Be.3.29 (item 2); £1.10.0 (c. 1744) Be.2.19; £1.10.0 (1769) Bg.1.13 (item 1) & Bg.1.13 (item 2); £1.11.6 (c. 1743) Bf.3.4; £1.11.6 (1743) Bx.2.18; £1.11.6 (1773) [plus 2 sixteenth-century items] Cn.1.2 (item 1); £1.11.6 (1775) Bf.2.2; £1.11.6 (before 1783) Bw.1.1; £1.11.6 (before 1783) By.2.17; £1.12.0 (1773) Bd.2.14; £1.12.0 (1789) An-y.30; £1.13.0 (1778) By.2.9 & ; £1.15.0 (c. 1743) By.2.15; £1.16.0 (1773) Bw.3.11; £2.0.0 (1775) Bc.2.25, 26; £2.0.0 (before 1783) Bc.2.1; £2.2.0 (1726) ; £2.2.0 (c. 1743) Bf.3.6, 7; £2.2.0 (1744) Bv.2.24; £2.2.0 (c. 1744) Bf.2.9; £2.2.0 (c. 1744) Bf.3.3; £2.2.0 (c. 1745) Be.3.21; £2.2.0 (c. 1745) Bf.2.15 (item 1), Bf.2.15 (item2) & Bf.2.15 (item 3); £2.2.0 (1754) Bh7-b.8; £2.2.0 (1755) Bf.2.10; £2.2.0 (before 1773) Bv.2.14; £2.2.0 (before 1773) Bv.2.7; £2.2.0 (1773) Bg.3.8; £2.2.0 (1773) Bw.3.12; £2.2.0 (1775) Bw.3.13; £2.2.0 (before 1783) Be.3.2; £2.3.0 (1778) By.3.41; £2.3.6 (before 1766) Bh.2.14; £2.4.0 (1773) Bg.3.11; £2.4.0 (1776) Bv.2.12; £2.4.0 (1778) Bf.3.13 (item 1) & Bf.3.13 (item 2); £2.5.0 (1775) By.3.38; £2.6.0 (1775) ; £2.10.0 (c. 1744) Bx.2.9; £2.10.0 (c. 1745) Bg.1.6; £2.12.6 (c. 1744) Be.1.2, 3; £2.12.6 (1745) ; £2.12.6 (c. 1745) Be.2.2; £2.12.6 (1766) ; £2.12.6 (1772) [i.e. paid for 2nd copy, no longer in Hunterian Library] Be.3.17; £2.12.6 (1773) ; £2.12.6 (before 1783) Bh.3.26; £2.15.0 (1773) Bw.3.10; £2.16.0 (1771) Bx.2.16; £2.16.0 (1778) Bx.2.1; £3.0.0 (1744) Bl10-c.11; £3.0.0 (1775) ; £3.2.0 (before 1756) Bh.2.19; £3.3.0 (c. 1743) Bf.2.1; £3.3.0 (c. 1774) Cm.1.4; £3.3.0 (before 1761) ; £3.3.0 (1773) Bw.2.2; £3.3.0 (1775) Bw.1.5; £3.3.0 (1776) Be.2.9; £3.3.0 (1776) ; £3.3.0 (1778) ; £3.4.0 (1771) Be.3.21; £3.4.0 (1773) Bw.2.23; £3.4.0 (1775) Bx.3.26; £3.4.0 (1775) Bg.2.29; £3.5.0 (1773) Bh.1.19; £3.5.0 (1775) By.2.8 (item1) & By.2.8 (item 2); £3.5.0 (1775) ; £3.7.0 (1778) Bx.3.22 (item 1), Bx.3.22 (item 2), Bx.3.22 (item 3), Bx.3.22 (item 4) & Bx.3.22 (item 5); £3.10.0 (1772) Be.3.11; £3.13.6 (1771?) Bx.2.8; £3.13.6 (before 1783) Be.3.28; £3.15.0 (1771?) Be.3.25; £3.15.0 (1773) ; £3.15.0 (1774?) Bx.3.47; £3.16.0 (1775) Bx.3.7 (item 1) & Bx.3.7 (item 2); £3.17.0 (1766) Bv.2.29; £3.19.0 (1778) ; £4.0.0 (1761) Be.3.27; £4.4.0 (c. 1743) Bf.3.5; £4.4.0 (1776) Bv.2.20; £4.4.0 (before 1783) Bg.2.14, 15 & Bg.2.16; £4.4.0 (1792) Euing Add. f45; £4.6.0 (1775) ; £4.6.6 (1755) Bh.1.5; £4.7.6 (1773) Bv.2.16; £4.10.0 (1773) Bv.2.13; £4.15.0 (before 1783) ; £4.17.0 (1776) Bv.2.30; £4.18.0 (1776) ; £5.0.0 (1773) Bv.2.19 (item 1) & Bv.2.19 (item 2); £5.5.0 (c. 1743) Be.1.7; £5.5.0 (1744) Be.1.14; £5.5.0 (1749) Bi2-b.4; £5.5.0 (1771) Bg.3.3; £5.5.0 (1775) Be.3.15; £5.5.0 (1776) Bv.2.16; £5.5.0 (before 1791) Bh10-d.9, Bh10-d.10, Bh10-d.11, Bh10-d.12 & Bh10-d.13; £5.10.0 (1761) ; £5.10.0 (1775) Bf.2.19; £5.10.0 (1775) By.3.40; £5.12.6 (1775) Bh.2.16; £5.15.6 (1773) Bh.1.18; £5.15.6 (1776) Bv.2.9; £5.17.6 (1778) [i.e. paid for a 2nd copy, no longer in the Hunterian Library] Bg.1.11; £5.18.0 (1775) ; £6.6.0 (1771?) Be.2.11; £6.6.0 (1775) Bx.2.23; £6.6.0 (1775) By.3.32; £6.6.0 (1775) ; £7.7.0 (1776) Bv.2.17; £7.15.0 (1775) ; £7.17.6 (before 1775) ; £8.8.0 (c. 1745) Bf.1.7, 8; £10.10.0 (c. 1745) ; £10.10.0 (before 1783) ; £11.0.0 (1775) Bx.3.21; £11.0.0 (1754) Bw.2.13; £11.11.0 (1754) Bv.1.5; £12.0.0 (1775) Be.2.1; £12.5.0 (1775) Bw.2.3; £12.12.0 (1775) ; £12.15.0 (1773) Bg.1.1; £13.0.0 (1771?) Bw.1.2, 3; £14.0.0 (1773) Bv.2.21; £14.14.0 (1775) By.3.23; £15.15.0 (c. 1743) Bv.1.1, Bv.1.2, Bv.1.3 & Bv.1.4; £16.0.0 (1775) Ds.2.4; £19.0.0 (1776) ; £21.0.0 (1775) Ds.2.3; £23.10.0 (1775) Ds.2.6-7; £28.7.0 (1775) Bw.3.25; £30.0.0 (1775) Bg.2.23;
Pound Scots
£ Scots 1.10.0 (1702) Bn6-d.1; £ Scots 1.11.0 (1704) Bi7-a.2; £ Scots 4.4.0 (1704) Bm8-g.10
5 thaler BD9-a.2
Unknown currency
f2:08? Bw.3.9
10-10 Bg.3.3
19th century
2 daler? BD9-c.5
24 lire? BD9-d.12
Reales de vellón
970 Reales de vellón (1859) An-x.13
£0.1.0 (1835) BC2-f.14; £0.1.0 (1845) An-y.26 [plus a further 3 items]; £0.1.0 (before 1856) BC6-h.8; £0.1.6 (1834) BC4-c.21 (item 2), BC4-c.21 (item 3) [plus a further four items]; £0.2.0 (1835) BC33-d.8 (item 1), BC33-d.8 (item 2), BC33-d.8 (item 3), BC33-d.8 (item 4), BC33-d.8 (item 5), BC33-d.8 (item 6), BC33-d.8 (item 7) & BC33-d.8 (item 8); £0.2.0 (before 1856) ; £0.2.0 (1885) An-x.20; £0.2.6 (before 1856) BC15-e.1; £0.3.0 (1812) (item 1), (item 2), (item 3), (item 4), (item 5), (item 6), (item 7) & (item 8); £0.3.6 (1843) An-y.31; £0.4.0 (1808) BC18-a.2; £0.4.0 (1828) BD9-d.1; £0.4.0 (before 1856) BC3-f.30; £0.4.6 (1828) Mu14-f.20; £0.4.6 (1843) Al-b.17; £0.5.6 (1845) An-y.40; £0.5.6 (1854) BD7-f.12; £0.6.0 (1885) An-y.14; £0.6.6 (before 1872) BD7-e.1; £0.6.6 (1870) BD7-e.17; £0.7.0 (1898) Al-a.71; £0.7.0 (1852) An-y.17; £0.8.0 (1883) Mu11-y.1; £0.9.6 An-y.25; £0.10.0 (1844) BD7-c.10; £0.10.0 (before 1894) Eg6-e.20 (item 1), Eg6-e.20 (item 2), Eg6-e.20 (item 3) & Eg6-e.20 (item 4); £0.10.0 (1883) Mu11-y.2; £0.10.0 (1883) Ah-a.25; £0.10.6 (1836) An-y.41; £0.10.6 (1870) An-y.4; £0.10.6 (before 1893) 163434; £0.10.6 (before 1894) Eg6-d.8 (item 1) & Eg6-d.8 (item 2); £0.10.6 Mu16-f.29; £0.11.0 (1834) BD7-e.5; £0.12.0 (1844) BD9-d.9 (item1) & BD9-d.9 (item 2); £0.12.0 (1845) BD7-c.7 (item 1) & BD7-c.7 (item 2); £0.12.0 (1886) ; £0.12.6 (1868) BD9-e.12; £0.13.0 (1844) Eg6-d.18; £0.13.0 (1880) Al-b.45; £0.14.0 (before 1872) BD9-d.12; £0.14.0 (1861) BD9-e.10; £0.15.0 (1819) ; £0.15.0 (1831) ; £0.15.0 Mu16-f.29; £0.15.0 S.M. 105; £0.16.0 (c. 1865) T.C.L. 285; £0.16.0 (1847) 167513; £0.17.0 (1844) BD9-e.4; £0.18.0 (1820) BC4-c.21 (item 2), BC4-c.21 (item 3) [plus a further four items]; £0.18.0 (1845) BD7-d.20; £0.18.0 (before 1894) (item 1), (item 2), (item 3) & (item 4); £0.18.6 (before 1869) BD9-d.5; £0.18.6 (before 1872) BD7-d.14; £0.19.0 (1834) BD7-d.22; £1.0.0 (before 1872) BD9-d.20; £1.1.0 (1854) T.C.L. e2; £1.1.0 (before 1869) BD9-d.14; £1.1.0 (before 1872) ; £1.1.0 (before 1872) BD9-c.7; £1.1.0 (before 1874) BD7-d.11; £1.1.0 (before 1874) BD9-e.19; £1.1.0 (1884) Mu16-d.43; £1.5.0 (1821) BD7-d.21; £1.5.0 (1859) BD9-d.15; £1.6.0 (1880) Al-a.75; £1.7.0 (before 1878) BC2-x.15; £1.8.0 (before 1894) Eg6-a.13; £1.8.0 (before 1896) An-y.16; £1.9.0 (before 1856) ; £1.10.0 (before 1857) BD7-b.17; £1.10.0 (1884) Ag-y.10; £1.11.0 (before 1894) Eg5-a.16 (item 1) & Eg5-a.16 (item 2); £1.11.6 (before 1852) BD7-b.4; £1.11.6 (before 1854) BD9-c.1; £1.11.6 (before 1854) ; £1.11.6 (1863) ; £1.11.6 (1866) BD7-f.13 (item 1), BD7-f.13 (item 2), BD7-f.13 (item 3) & BD7-f.13 (item 4); £1.11.6 (before 1869) BD7-c.6; £1.11.6 (before 1894) Eg8-a.18; £1.11.6 167514; £1.12.0 (1845) BD7-d.21; £1.15.0 (before 1869) BD9-e.6; £1.15.0 (c. 1870) BD7-d.22; £1.16.0 (1856) 167504; £1.16.0 (1863) ; £1.16.0 (before 1894) 160826; £1.16.0 BD7-b.15; £1.17.6 251615; £1.18.0 (1824) BD9-e.2; £1.18.0 (1844) BD9-a.12; £1.18.0 (before 1872) Dp-e.4; £1.18.0 Mu16-d.43; £1.19.0 (before 1833) BC2-f.14; £2.0.0 (before 1893) ; £2.0.0 (1898) An-y.2; £2.1.0 (1884) Ah-a.30; £2.2.0 (1835) Dq-c.11; £2.2.0 (1854) BD9-c.1; £2.2.0 (before 1872) BD9-c.5; £2.2.0 (1898) ; £2.2.0 (before 1874) BD7-e.27; £2.2.0 (before 1849) 167526; £2.5.0 (1880) Af-y.33; £2.9.0 (1844) BD9-b.7; £2.12.6 (before 1855) BD9-c.4; £2.12.6 (1863) BD9-d.11; £2.12.6 (before 1870) BD7-d.22; £2.12.6 (1884) Al-b.47; £2.12.16 (before 1895) Eg8-b.13; £3.3.0 BD12-a.8; £3.3.0 (before 1843) ; £3.3.0 (before 1872) ; £3.3.0 (before 1872) BD9-e.5; £3.5.0 (1857) BD9-a.1; £3.10.0 (1898) Ah-y.8; £3.13.6 (before 1854) 167519, 167520, 167521, 167522 & 167523; £3.17.6 (1884) Eg5-x.1; £4.0.0 (before 1828) Bg.3.5; £4.0.0 (1879) Al-c.7; £4.4.0 (1815) BD9-d.14; £4.4.0 (1828) BD12-a.12; £4.4.0 (before 1833) BD7-d.22; £4.4.0 (before 1844) BD9-d.13; £4.4.0 (before 1872) BD9-e.1; £4.4.0 (before 1874) Da-b.1; £4.4.0 T.C.L. e3; £4.16.0 (1854) BD9-a.5, 6; £4.18.0 (1844) BD9-b.2; £5.5.0 (before 1852) Dn-a.3-5; £5.5.0 (before 1854) ; £5.5.0 (before 1872) BD9-b.11; £5.5.0 (before 1874) BD7-b.13; £5.5.0 (1881) Ai-a.22 (item 1) & Ai-a.22 (item 2); £5.5.0 (before 1883) An-y.5; £5.5.0 ; £6.0.0 (1854) ; £6.6.0 (before 1874) BD9-d.10; £6.6.0 (c. 1884) Eg5-x.1; £6.6.0 (1886) Eg8-a.9; £6.6.0 (before 1898) Af-f.81; £6.10.0 (1865) BD7-c.2; £7.7.0 (1821) ; £7.7.0 (after 1881) Mu50-e.33; £7.7.0 ; £7.10.0 (1819) Ah-a.29; £8.0.0 (1824) BD7-c.12; £8.8.0 (1870) Eg7-b.16; £8.0.0 (1879) Al-c.9; £8.8.0 (before 1874) ; £8.10.0 (1853) Dt-a.9; £8.18.6 (before 1857) BD7-f.18; £9.9.0 (before 1874) ; £10.10.0 (1865) Dq-b.10; £10.10.0 (1870) BD9-a.2; £12.5.0 (1883) E.1939.65.1430; £13.0.0 (1881) ; £18.0.0 (1891) Ag-x.11; £40.0.0 (1884) Ah-a.29; £42.0.0 (before 1874) Dq-a.1, 2
20th century
£1.12.0 (1905) Mu50-e.33; £2.2.0 (before 1928) Mu38-c.17; £2.2.0 (before 1939) E.1939.65.1381; £2.10.0 (1907) An-y.19; £3.3.0 (1901) Mu27-e.5; £3.15.0 (1905) Ag-y.21; £3.15.0 (before 1928) Mu43-a.4; £4.4.0 (1910) An-y.27; £4.4.0 (before 1939) E.1939.65.1428; £5.5.0 (1902) Al-c.10; £6.15.0 (c. 1920) Mu51-b.16; £7.7.0 (1905) Mu50-e.33; £10.0.0 (before 1927) Mu36-a.12; £12.0.0 (before 1916) An-y.37; £28.0.0 (c. 1923) S.M. 1987; £50.0.0 (before 1953) Euing Add. f45
Date not known
Gulden; stuyvers
3 gulden 10 st. Bw.2.1
£0.7.6 Al-c.7; £0.7.6 An-y.38; £1.15.0 S.M. 1984
Unknown currency
1- -? Bw.3.2 (item 1)
- 2 - T.C.L. 284
Price Codes
Ai-x.21 (A5); Ah-f.55 (A24); BD9-a.9 (A15/2); BD9-c.4 (B9); Ag-y.8 (B11); Ag-y.10 (B12/2); Ag-y.9 (B14); Ag-y.22 (B16); BD7-c.2 (B28); BD7-e.7 (B34); Dq-a.1, 2 (B41); Dp-b.3 (B43/1); Dt-a.9 (B44/2); Da-b.1 (B50/1); Dq-c.11 (B51)(?); Dn-a.3-5 (B55); Dr-d.6 (B56); Dp-e.6 (B57); Du-i.26 (B63); Dp-e.4 (B64); BD7-b.6 (B73); Eg8-b.10 (B120); E.c.63 (B124); BD7-c.13 (C3); BD9-c.1 (C5); BD7-b.11 (C13); T.C.L. f1 (C24); BD7-b.14 (C25); An-y.11 (D5); BD7-d.20 (D15/2); BD7-c.3 (D25); BD12-a.9 (D31); Bf71-a.4 (D35); BD7-e.11 (E1); BD12-a.8 (E4/1); BD9-c.5 (E5/2); T.C.L. f4 (E8/1); BD7-d.23 (E9/1); BD9-d.12 (F9); An-c.39 (F13); E.x.59 (G1); E.c.38 (G2); E.x.58 (G3); Ah-a.73 (G15/2); BD9-d.14 (G17); BD9-c.8 (G26); An-y.24 (G34); BD7-c.10 (G42); BD9-e.5 (G46); BD7-f.12 (G54); BD7-d.19 (G57); Eg8-b.13 (H30); T.C.L. f3 (H35); Ah-y.8 (I2/1); Ak-x.38 (I5); An-y.18 (J2); BD9-b.7 (J16/2); BD9-c.7 (J20);