il00002000; il00004000; il00005000; il00007000; il00008000; il00009000; il00064000; il00068000; il00070000; il00128500; il00129000; il00136000; il00140000; il00150000; il00151000; il00154000; il00165000; il00171000; il00172000; il00195950; il00218000; il00220000; il00221000; il00221700; il00238000; il00240000; il00242000; il00243000; il00248000; il00252000; il00290000; il00296000; il00298000; il00300000; il00315000; il00320000; il00333000; il00337000; il00338000; il00364000; il00409000
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Cross references to book details in the following catalogues have been cited selectively, in cases where rarity means that cross references to the standard catalogues cited above are not possible.
- Adams
- Ahmanson-Murphy
- Baudrier
- BMC(Fr)
- BMC(Ger)
- BMC(It)
- BSB-Ink
- C
- Camp.
- Coll(U)
- CR
- DeR(C)
- Duff
- Giessen
- Girard
- H
- Hargreaves
- HC
- HR
- HR(Suppl)
- Hubay(Würzburg)
- Jammes
- Lőkkös(Cat BPU)
- Lőkkös(Genève)
- Maignien(Grenoble)
- Mitchell(Aberdeen)
- Moreau
- Oates
- Pell
- Polain(B)
- R
- Renouard
- Rhodes(Oxford Colleges)
- Sack(Freiburg)
- Sajó-Soltész
- Schreiber, Manuel, IV
- Vindel
- Walsh