ic00016000; ic00019000; ic00021000; ic00023000; ic00024000; ic00035000; ic00036000; ic00037000; ic00038000; ic00041000; ic00047000; ic00061000; ic00073000; ic00095400; ic00096000; ic00097000; ic00101000; ic00113000; ic00138000; ic00167000; ic00183000; ic00194000; ic00198000; ic00233000; ic00237000; ic00313000; ic00364000; ic00365000; ic00366000; ic00367000; ic00401500; ic00430000; ic00433000; ic00464000; ic00477000 [I]; ic00477000 [II]; ic00479000; ic00498000; ic00500000; ic00506000; ic00508000; ic00509000; ic00515000; ic00542000; ic00543000; ic00545000; ic00555000; ic00565000; ic00565500; ic00566000; ic00569000; ic00572000; ic00575000; ic00576000; ic00577000; ic00588000; ic00610000; ic00633000; ic00645000; ic00653000; ic00655000; ic00657000; ic00674000; ic00677000; ic00679000; ic00680400; ic00701000; ic00742000; ic00747015; ic00749500; ic00750000; ic00763250; ic00767000; ic00769000; ic00770000; ic00797800; ic00829000; ic00833000; ic00838900; ic00855000; ic00898000; ic00907000; ic00912000; ic00913200; ic00915000; ic00958000; ic00959000; ic00960000; ic00963000; ic00966000; ic00966500; ic00969000; ic00998000; ic01011000; ic01012000; ic01019000; ic01022000
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Cross references to book details in the following catalogues have been cited selectively, in cases where rarity means that cross references to the standard catalogues cited above are not possible.
- Adams
- Ahmanson-Murphy
- Baudrier
- BMC(Fr)
- BMC(Ger)
- BMC(It)
- BSB-Ink
- C
- Camp.
- Coll(U)
- CR
- DeR(C)
- Duff
- Giessen
- Girard
- H
- Hargreaves
- HC
- HR
- HR(Suppl)
- Hubay(Würzburg)
- Jammes
- Lőkkös(Cat BPU)
- Lőkkös(Genève)
- Maignien(Grenoble)
- Mitchell(Aberdeen)
- Moreau
- Oates
- Pell
- Polain(B)
- R
- Renouard
- Rhodes(Oxford Colleges)
- Sack(Freiburg)
- Sajó-Soltész
- Schreiber, Manuel, IV
- Vindel
- Walsh