Incunabula: bindings index
Listing of bindings by country and then chronologically by century. Follow the shelf-mark link for a full description of each binding.
See listing of bindings from:
England - France - Germany - Italy - Netherlands - Portugal - Scotland - Spain - Switzerland - Place uncertain - Unbound
Place uncertain
15th Century
15th/16th Century
BD7-c.1 (item 1) & BD7-c.1 (item 2) (rebacked in 19th/20th century); BD7-d.8 (rebacked in 20th century); Bk5-g.22 (item 1: with 4 further items bound in); Dq-a.16; Dw-a.14 (rebacked in 20th century); T.C.L. 237; T.C.L. e2; T.C.L. f1 (rebacked in the 19th/20th century); T.C.L. f65
16th Century
77723; 163434; 167504; 167505; 167513; 167514; 167517 & 167518; 167525; Ag-y.8; Ak-x.38; An-x.18; Ap-x.1; BC7-y.11 (item 4); BC14-a.1 (item 1), BC14-a.1 (item 2), BC14-a.1 (item 3), BC14-a.1 (item 4), BC14-a.1 (item 5) & BC14-a.1 (item 6) (restored and rebacked c. 1985); BC29-x.3; BC33-d.11 (restored and rebacked c. 1985); Bd.2.13; BD9-a.1; BD9-b.5 (repaired in 19th/20th century); Bg.3.21; Bh.1.16; Bh.1.17 (item 1) & Bh.1.17 (item 2); Bh20-a.11; Bi6-l.14 (item 2: 1 other item bound in); Bl7-e.3; Bm4-e.3 (item 1) & Bm4-e.3 (item 2) (a remboîtage); Bn6-c.5 (with initials of Guillaume Prousteau added in 17th/early 18th century); Bo1-d.2 (repaired in 20th century); Bw.3.30 (18th-century calf over 16th-century wooden boards); Bw.3.34 (rebacked in the 19th/20th century); Cm.1.2; Da-a.2 (rebacked in 19th century); Dp-b.3; Dq-b.10 (rebacked in 19th century); E.1939.65.1438 (item 1), E.1939.65.1438 (item 2), E.1939.65.1438 (item 3) & E.1939.65.1438 (item 4); E.1939.65.2549; Ea7-x.8 (item 1) & Ea7-x.8 (item 2) (rebacked in 19th/20th century); Eg6-a.13; Eg6-d.8 (item 1) & Eg6-d.8 (item 2); K.T. f2; T.C.L. 450 (rebacked in the 19th century); T.C.L. f5 (rebacked in the 19th century); X.2.15
16th/17th Century
Bg.3.5; Bg.3.6; Bg.3.19; Bl7-e.1; Bw.3.31 (19th/20th century endpapers)
17th Century
167506, 167507 & 167508; Ag-y.9; Ap-x.2; BC4-c.21 (item 2) & BC4-c.21 (item 3); BC18-a.2 (?); Bg.3.2; Bg.3.3; Bh.2.3; Bh.3.26 (? embroidered book jacket); Bi7-a.2 (rebacked in the 19th/20th century); Bi7-h.21; Bk5-g.13 (item 1), Bk5-g.13 (item 2) & Bk5-g.13 (item 3); Bk6-d.1; Bl7-e.2 (with the initials of Guillaume Prousteau added in 17th/early 18th century); Bo1-d.1, Bo1-d.3 (with gilt initials S.D. stamped on cover; rebacked in 19th/20th century); Bo1-d.4 (with gilt initials S.D. stamped on cover; rebacked in 19th/20th century); Bw.3.5; By.2.1 (rebacked in the 20th century); By.3.38; Dk.2.8 (item 1), Dk.2.8 (item 2), Dk.2.8 (item 3) & Dk.2.8 (item 4); Dv-d.14 (rebacked in 19th century)
17th/18th Century
BD7-b.12 (remnants); BD9-b.6; Bf.3.18; Bg.2.30 (with the coat of arms of King George III stamped in gilt); Bi2-b.4; Bm5-f.16; Bn8-d.2; Bw.3.8 (item 1) & Bw.3.8 (item 2); By.3.39; Cm.1.1 (item 1) & Cm.1.1 (item 2)
18th Century
160419; 160421; 167509; 310925; Af-f.81; Af-f.84; Ak-a.14; Ak-a.27; Al-b.46; An-y.19; An-y.21; An-y.30; An-y.31; An-y.36 (?); An-y.38; Ap-x.3, 4; Ap-x.5, 6; Bb.2.29; Bc.2.1; Bc.2.23; Bc.2.25, 26; BD2-f.20 (item 1) & BD2-f.20 (item 2); BD7-c.9; BD7-d.21; BD7-d.22; BD7-e.6; BD9-a.2; BD9-b.7; BD9-b.11; BD9-d.1 (?); BD9-d.14; BD9-e.2; BD9-e.6; BD12-a.13, 14; Be.1.1; Be.1.8; Be.1.9; Be.1.13; Be.2.7; Be.2.10; Be.2.18 (unidentified armorial crest); Be.3.2; Be.3.3; Be.3.13; Be.3.15; Be.3.28; Bf.1.11; Bf.1.14; Bf.2.2; Bf.2.3; Bf.2.17; Bf.2.18; Bf.2.20 (rebacked 19th/20th century); Bf.3.12; Bf.3.13 (item 1) & Bf.3.13 (item 2); Bf.3.15 (item 1) & Bf.3.15 (item 2); Bf.3.16; Bg.1.14; Bg.2.1; Bg.2.13; Bg.2.23; Bg.2.29; Bg.2.31; Bg.3.4; Bh.1.4 (rebacked in the 20th century); Bh.1.11; Bh.1.24; Bh.3.10; Bh.3.20; Bh3-e.13 (item 1), Bh3-e.13 (item 2) & Bh3-e.13 (item 3); Bh3-e.14; Bh3-e.15; Bh7-b.8; Bh8-e.1; Bh9-d.9 (item 1) & Bh9-d.9 (item 2); Bl10-c.11; Bl10-d.10; Bv.2.31 (item 1: binding replaced but fragment preserved); Bv.2.31 (item 2: binding replaced but fragment preserved); Bw.1.1; Bw.1.12 (repaired and rebacked Aug. 1987); Bw.1.13; Bw.2.5; Bw.2.24; Bw.3.2 (item 1) & Bw.3.2 (item 2); Bw.3.4 (?); Bw.3.13 (rebacked in the 19th/20th century); Bw.3.14; Bw.3.21 (item 1) & Bw.3.21 (item 2); Bw.3.22; Bw.3.30 (18th-century calf over 16th-century wooden boards); Bw.3.33; Bx.2.2; Bx.2.5; Bx.2.8; Bx.2.15; Bx.2.23; Bx.2.24; Bx.2.25; Bx.3.3; Bx.3.5; Bx.3.7 (item 1: with 1 further item bound in); Bx.3.9; Bx.3.11; Bx.3.16; Bx.3.17; Bx.3.21; Bx.3.23; Bx.3.24; Bx.3.42; Bx.3.45; Bx.3.46 (item 1) & Bx.3.46 (item 2); Bx.3.47; By.1.14; By.2.9; By.2.17; By.2.20; By.3.4; By.3.6; By.3.8; By.3.13; By.3.15; By.3.16; By.3.18 (item 1) & By.3.18 (item 2); By.3.21; By.3.22; By.3.23; By.3.32; By.3.33; By.3.35; Cm.1.4; Ds.2.2; Ds-e.14 (rebacked in 19th century); E.1939.65.1430; E.1939.65.1439; E.c.44; Eg6-d.18 (sample only); Eg7-b.16; E.x.59 (William Euing’s gilt crest added in 19th century); R.3.4; RCPSG: Bookstore IBN(1) & RCPSG: Bookstore IBN(2) (rebacked 20th century); T.C.L. 389; W.2.11 (item 1) & W.2.11 (item 2)
18th/19th Century
167519, 167520, 167521, 167522 & 167523; Ah-y.18; BD7-b.13 (rebacked in 20th century); BD7-f.12; BD9-a.4; BD9-c.1; BD9-d.9 (item 1) & BD9-d.9 (item 2); BD9-d.12; BD12-a.12; S.M. 645 (with blind stamps of Sir William Stirling Maxwell)
19th Century
160826; 167510; 167511 & 167512; 167526; 167528; 167531 (rebacked in 19th century); Af-a.45; Ag-f.18; Ag-y.10; Ag-y.22; Ah-a.73; Ah-b.27; Ah-x.12; Ah-y.8; Ai-a.27; Al-a.23; Al-a.71; Al-b.45; Al-b.54; Al-c.7; Al-c.8; Al-c.9; Al-c.10; Am-z.40; An-c.20; An-e.21; An-x.13; An-x.20; An-y.1; An-y.2; An-y.3; An-y.5; An-y.9; An-y.11; An-y.13; An-y.14; An-y.16; An-y.24; An-y.25; An-y.27; An-y.29; An-y.34; An-y.41 (Wodhull arms in gilt on front cover); BC2-f.6 (?); BC3-f.30; BC5-b.16; BD2-f.27; BD7-b.8; BD7-b.11; BD7-b.15; BD7-b.16; BD7-c.3; BD7-c.6; BD7-c.7 (item 1) & BD7-c.7 (item 2); BD7-c.10; BD7-d.1; BD7-d.14; BD7-e.1; BD7-e.5; BD7-e.13; BD7-e.16; BD7-e.19; BD7-e.27; BD7-f.3 (Dutch gilt endpapers); BD7-f.8; BD7-f.9; BD7-f.11; BD7-f.13 (item 1), BD7-f.13 (item 2), BD7-f.13 (item 3) & BD7-f.13 (item 4); BD7-f.18; BD9-a.9; BD9-d.5; BD9-d.10; BD9-d.11; BD9-d.13; BD12-a.7; BD15-c.25; Bh.3.25; Bx.3.44(?); By.2.22; Dw-g.16; E.1939.65.1381; E.c.38; Eg7-c.10; Mu15-c.22; Mu27-e.5; Mu38-c.17; RB 3058; RCPSG: Bookstore BAR; RCPSG: Bookstore BER; RCPSG: Bookstore SER; RF 362; S.M. 1959 (with stamps in gold of Sir William Stirling Maxwell); S.M. 1984 (with blind stamps of Sir William Stirling Maxwell); T.C.L. 285; T.C.L. e3
19th/20th Century
An-y.7; Mu6-x.16; Mu15-b.16; Mu51-d.9
20th Century
32275; 163761; Ak-a.41; Bh.3.24; Bm1-d.3; E.1939.65.1428; Euing Add. q27; Mu15-g.27; Mu48-b.2; Mu48-b.3; Mu48-b.4