Incunabula: annotations index
Significant notes and/or textual annotations are indexed here. Many of the books contain brief bibliographical and ownership notes made by later owners (ie. 17th century onwards) - these are noted in the individual descriptions of the books but are not indexed here. Annotations that have been so washed out as to be illegible are mentioned in the individual records, but not indexed here.
Annotations have been grouped as follows:
- early ownership inscriptions
- textual/marginal/interlinear annotations (usually responses to the text)
- notes on flyleaves etc (not necessarily relating to the text)
- insertions (not necessarily relating to the text)
- mottoes and proverbs (not usually relating to the text)
- For readers' unprofessional drawings see: Decoration: drawings
Early ownership inscriptions
Early (15th/16th century) statements of ownership/presentation
4.1 Bible; 32275 (obscured by repair); 160419; 160421; 160826; 160836; 163434; 167503 (faded and unread); 167506; 167508; 167511; 167512; 167513; 167517 (traces - mostly excised); 167518; 167520 (? - heavily washed out); 167524 (early 17th century); 167530 (partially deleted); 251612; 310925; Af-b.54; Ag-y.9 (unread - possible Dutch); Ag-y.21; Ag-y.22; Ah-f.55; Ai-a.22 (item 1: possible); Ai-x.21; Al-a.75; Al-b.19; Al-c.9; Am-z.41; An-x.13 (several including one in Hebrew); An-x.20; An-y.1 (several); An-y.16; An-y.17; An-y.27; An-y.35; Ap-x.2; Aq-y.65; Bb.2.29 (two - one in Greek); BC4-c.22 (item 1); BC7-y.11 (item 1); BC14-a.1 (item 1); BC14-c.11 (item 1); BC15-e.1 (deleted); BC33-d.8 (item 1: several, some partially erased); BC33-d.8 (item 2: several, some partially erased) BC33-d.8 (item 3: several, some partially erased); BC33-d.8 (item 4: several, some partially erased); BC33-d.8 (item 5: several, some partially erased); BC33-d.8 (item 6); BC33-d.8 (item 8); BC33-d.11 (erased); Bd.2.13; BD1-d.4; BD1-g.4; BD2-f.20 (item 1); BD7-b.6; BD7-b.11; BD7-b.13; BD7-b.17; BD7-c.1 (item 1); BD7-c.5; BD7-c.7 (item 1); BD7-c.13; BD7-c.16; BD7-d.10; BD7-d.14 (? traces); BD7-d.15; BD7-d.23; BD7-e.1; BD7-e.2; BD7-e.33; BD7-f.10; BD7-f.16; BD9-a.1; BD9-a.2; BD9-a.8; BD9-a.11; BD9-b.1; BD9-b.7 (erased); BD9-b.9 (several); BD9-c.4; BD9-c.7; BD9-c.8; BD9-d.9 (item 1); BD9-d.20; BD9-e.1 (partially deciphered); BD9-e.2; BD9-e.5; BD9-e.6; BD9-e.10 (partially erased); BD12-a.10; BD12-a.12 (unread and partially erased); BD12-a.13, 14; BD15-i.20; Be.1.5; Be.1.8; Be.1.14; Be.2.2; Be.2.5; Be.2.6; Be.2.7 (16th/17th century); Be.2.9; Be.2.12; Be.2.14 (washed out); Be.2.19; Be.2.20; Be.3.1; Be.3.6 (in red ink); Be.3.9 (item 1); Be.3.19; Be.3.22; Be.3.23 (item 2) (? deleted); Be.3.24; Be.3.27 (deleted); Be.3.29 (item 1); Be.3.29 (item 2); BE6-h.8; BE6-h.13 (item 2); Bf.1.2; Bf.1.3; Bf.1.6; Bf.1.10; Bf.1.14 (early 17th century); Bf.1.18; Bf.2.3; Bf.2.5; Bf.2.6; Bf.3.9; Bf.3.10 (item 1); Bf.3.12; Bf.3.13 (item 1: deleted); Bf.3.13 (item 2: unfinished?); Bf.3.16; Bf.3.17; Bf.3.18; Bf71-a.4; Bg.1.7; Bg.1.8; Bg.1.14; Bg.2.5; Bg.2.7; Bg.2.13 (? erased); Bg.2.17, 18; Bg.2.19; Bg.2.24; Bg.2.25 (washed-out); Bg.2.30; Bg.3.3; Bg.3.6; Bg.3.7; Bg.3.10; Bg.3.19 (scored through); Bg.3.23; Bh.1.17 (item 1); Bh.2.16; Bh.2.19; Bh.3.24; Bh.3.26 (? unread); Bh6-e.1; Bh8-d.4 (heavily deleted); Bh8-e.8; Bh8-e.10 (item 1); Bh8-e.10 (item 2); Bh20-a.11; Bh20-a.13; Bi5-c.10; Bi6-l.14; Bi7-a.2 (unread); Bi7-h.21; Bk5-g.22 (item 3); Bk7-e.11; Bl3-g.7 (item 1); Bl5-e.2; Bl6-e.2 (several); Bl7-e.3; Bm1-d.3; Bm1-e.8 (item 1); Bm1-e.10 (several); Bm4-e.3 (item 1); Bm6-d.12; Bm8-g.10; Bm9-d.11; Bm9-e.14 (several); Bn6-d.1 (scored through); Bn6-d.3; Bn6-d.12; Bn8-d.2; Bv.1.6; Bv.1.7 (deleted); Bv.1.8 (heavily erased); Bv.1.12; Bv.2.1 (several); Bv.2.10; Bv.2.12; Bv.2.13 (several); Bv.2.14; Bv.2.17; Bv.2.19 (item 1); Bv.2.29 (several); Bv.2.30 (several); Bv.2.31 (item 1); Bw.1.2, 3 (illegible - erased); Bw.1.5; Bw.1.6 (early 17th century); Bw.1.7; Bw.1.10; Bw.1.12; Bw.1.13; Bw.2.2; Bw.2.3; Bw.2.6 (in Italian - scored through); Bw.2.11 (erased - several); Bw.2.12; Bw.2.14, 15 (erased); Bw.2.17 (unidentified and partially deleted); Bw.2.21; Bw.2.22; Bw.3.1 (item 2); Bw.3.12; Bw.3.13 (possible? - overlaid); Bw.3.14 (several); Bw.3.19 (in Greek); Bw.3.23; Bw.3.27 (partially read); Bw.3.28; Bw.3.30; Bw.3.31 (one early 17th century and another unread); Bw.3.34 (? deleted); Bx.1.12; Bx.2.9 (several); Bx.2.11 (item 1); Bx.2.12; Bx.2.16; Bx.2.17; Bx.2.18; Bx.2.19; Bx.3.14; Bx.3.15; Bx.3.17; Bx.3.34; Bx.3.37; Bx.3.38; Bx.3.39; Bx.3.46 (item 2); By.1.1; By.1.4; By.1.9, 10; By.1.14; By.2.7; By.2.10; By.2.14; By.2.18; By.2.21 (illegible - erased); By.3.2; By.3.3; By.3.4; By.3.8; By.3.16 (partially obliterated); By.3.20 (item 1); By.3.22; By.3.24 (item 1: erased); By.3.25; By.3.26 (item 2); By.3.28 (? erased); By.3.30; By.3.31 (?); Cm.1.2 (several); Cm.1.3; Cm.1.4; Cn.1.2 (several); Dn-a.3-5; Dp-b.3 (scored out); Dp-e.4 (several); Dp-e.6 (several); Dq-b.10 (?erased); Dq-a.16; Dr.2.11 (item 1); Dr-d.6 (several); Ds-e.14; Dt-d.14; E.1939.65.2549; Ea7-x.8 (item 1: several); Eg5-a.16 (item 2); Eg5-g.20 (two - illegible, heavily erased); Eg6-a.9 (several); Eg6-b.20; Eg6-d.8 (item 1); Eg6-d.18 (several); Eg6-e.20; Eg7-b.6; Eg7-c.10; Eg8-a.9 (in Latin and Italian); Eg8-a.18; Eg8-b.13; Mu14-f.20; Mu51-b.16; Mu51-d.9; R.3.4; RB 3058 (scored out); RCPSG: Bookstore SER; RF 362; S.M. 105; Sp Coll f235; T.C.L. 237; T.C.L. 284; T.C.L. 285; T.C.L. 389 (? deleted); T.C.L. 450 (unread - partially deleted); T.C.L. f1; T.C.L. f4; T.C.L. f9; T.C.L. f10, 11; X.2.15